Chapter 13

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That morning I felt great. Better than I'd been in a while.

After getting dressed and getting my school bag I headed out of the door when I see an envelope taped to whiteboard. I take it down and open it. Papers cut from the newspaper fall out.

I bend down to read what they say: 'Murders all around Legacy Academy!!! Could they be connected to the random death of Mr. Jameson of Jameson enterprises? Could this new heir be involved?' 'Aren Jameson and Amira Lockwood end engagement, sad outcome for what could have been a great business deal.' 'New heiress Lauren Baker! Is she the real deal? Or a con artist?'

I started down at the papers, shocked. Then I looked up at the board which read, 'fraud!!!'

Then I looked down at the newspaper clippings I'd dropped. And on top one reads: Ex wife of the ex boss of Jameson enterprises gives interview, starting that this fraud would be put behind bars.


"When were you going to tell me?" I was on a call with Mr. Robinson.

"It was being handled." He says. His voice was calm. I didn't like it.

"This was dated for August 10th, that was after I moved in. And you didn't think I had the right to know that someone who is living in the house that I technically own, wants me behind bars?!" I say.

"You were busy with school." He says.

"I was busy with a lot of things." I say.

Mr. Robinson sighs, "so what do you want me to do? Kick her out?"

"No" I say. I may have not liked Shyanne but her kids are still family. They didn't deserve to have their mom kicked out of the only home they've ever knew. "Just... keep tabs on her. Make sure she's not going through my things and stuff like that..."

"I'll have it arranged" Mr. Robinson says. "And be careful, that may have only been a note and papers, but it's still counted as a threat."

"Already on it."


After classes were over me and Amoy skipped our library session and went to my dorm.

"It's sharpie, you'll have to get a new board" Amoy notes as she puts powder on the edges of her board. When she said she knew how to lift finger prints I didn't imagine her own stethoscope, powder, and gloves. There was even gloves.

"Nope" she moved onto the envelope, then the paper clippings. "Nope..." "No... whoever did this knew something about what they were doing..."

"And either had a key to our dorm house, or borrowed someone else's..." I say.

"And there could be more than one person..." before Amoy could say anything else there was a nock at the door.

Meilin entered, "Hey Lauren, Amoy."

"Hey..." I say.

"Hi" Amoy says. Then she got up packing up her things, "I've gotta study, call you later?"

"Yup" I agree.

After she left I picked up the paper clippings and put them in the envelope. Then I locked the envelope in my desk.

"What's this?" She reads the sign.

"Horrible people..." I pick it up. "We will need a new one..."

Meilin sits on her bed, "it can't be all their faults... people have a right to wonder..."

"How?!" I ask. "By vandalizing my things and calling me names?! Because of a rumor?!"

"For all we know it could be true-"she stops realizing what she said. We. She believed it. That I was a fraud.

"I'm going for a walk" I grab my hoodie.

"Lauren..." Meilin says.


More drama!!!!!! What do you think of the new Meilin????

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