Chapter 20

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(Pretend there is one more chair)

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(Pretend there is one more chair)

There were cups of tea with lots of tiny sandwiches in tall but neat piles.

We all sat quietly sipping the tea and eating the sandwiches.

"So you're Lauren's old friends?" Gran breaks the silence.

"Zack" Zack says.

"Abbie" Abbie says, taking a bite of another sandwich.

"You can call me Gran" Gran says. Then she turns to Lily, "your Mrs. Filip's granddaughter. Aren't you?"Gran asks her.

"Yes Ma'am" Lily says.

"Don't call me Ma'am, it makes me feel old. Call me Gran." Grab says.


After a while of Gran asking us random questions yea time was over, we decided to check out the pool.

I got outside before everyone else, and Vivi was swimming laps.

Shyanne was sun bathing on a lawn chair, sunglasses covering her eyes. When she saw me walk up she took them off and smiled. "Lauren! I'm so glad to run into you, I just wanted to say that your other friend was able to come after all!!!"

Other friend? "Who?"I ask confused.

"You know, Jessica. Nice girl." Shyanne says.

Jessica. I knew the name. But I hadn't spoken to her in years. Not since after we moved to high school, and she literally ignored me, Abbie, and Zack. Instead she hung out with her new group of friends that she had apparently met over summer.

~ Flashback ~

Summer had just ended. School was back. But for some reason I was glad. I was glad I could take my mind off everything... off mom.

Even though I hadn't see Abbie face to face in a mouth beside the texts back and forth she gave a a faint bear hug. Zack was behind her wearing his go to Superman t-shirt.

"Have you seen Jessica?" I ask. Abbie shakes her head, "not for a few weeks."

That's when I hear voices and I see Jessica walk in with a few girls. They were laughing about something, soon Jessica waved them goodbye and went to her locker and opened it.

"Be right back" I tell Zack and Abbie. They nod and I walk to Jessica who was putting lipstick on.

"Hey" I say.

She looks up at me and says the thing that shatters our friendship, "do I know you?"

Later that day I was walking with Zack and Abbie down the hall, and we am sat down for lunch. Abbie turns to Jessica when she walks by us and say, "Jessica!"

Jessica gave her a weird look and continues to walk away. One of her new friends asks, "who are they?"

Jesica just says, "No one important. Just some weirdos."

~ End of flashback. ~

"Are you sure?!" I ask trying to keep my voice even.

"Yes, she'll be here for dinner" Shyanne says. "I'm going to have a maid make her a bed in a room down the hall from yours."

"What's wrong?" Abbie asks in a hushed tone as soon as she saw my face. She always seemed to know when something was off.

All I had to say was, "Jessica."

How was that? Thoughts on Jessica?

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