Chapter 14

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As soon as I got outside I knew I needed to text Seth to tell him I left the rooms.

Me: just left dorm and headed to park

Seth: why?

Me: needed air

Seth: do I need a name?

Me: no

Closing my phone I inhale some air and exhale.

The flowers in the gardens had bloomed a few weeks ago. The summer heat was already here, slowly but steadily.

"There are only a few weeks of school left" I tell myself. "Hang in there."

In a few minarets I hear footsteps and turn around to see Seth walking towards me.

"You good?" He asks.

I nod.

"Sure I don't need a name?" He asks.

I nod.

We walk in silence.

"Mr. Robinson called... is this something to do with it?" Seth asks. I was surprised that he wasn't freaking out.


"Check the evidence?"

"Amoy couldn't find the fingerprints." I answered.

"Studying for finals?" He asks changing the subject.



"My grades at an -A" I answer.

"Algebra 2?"



"A..." for me, grades had never been a problem. I'd always been a top student in my class.

"Summer break is soon... any plans?" He asks.

"No..." usually during summer, before all this I'd hang out with my friends. I'd swim with Abbie and talk about books with Zack.


This week was finals. And after a long essay in English and history, a sketch in drawling, a test in chemistry and more I was exhausted.

The only fun thing that week was Zola's graduation celebration, which was still sad because I'd miss her. But it was fun to have the break.

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