Chapter 16

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I'd never thought I'd be sad for summer to start.  It I was. I had to say goodbye to Luke, Renee, Nick, and Lily. Then say hello to a long time with Aren, Vivi, and Shyanne.

My room was almost completely packed up, and the moving people would be here any minute. Meilin sat on her bed texting, her boxes already done.

Looking down at the last picture to put away I stop.

It was me, Aunt Rebecca, and my mom at a water park. We used to go every summer for my birthday, ever since I was a baby. My mom had just forced me into another layer of sunscreen, and I'd missed a layer making a part of my cheek white. It had been the last water park visit... since mom's death... we ended up not going last year... now it was just a distant memory...

Putting the picture frame in the box I tape it shut.


The tv buzzed in the background as I ate captain crunch. Aunt Rebecca was beside me eating Frosted Flakes. Mom was headed to the store, getting cake like she did every morning of my birthday.

"How much longer do you think she will be?" I ask.

"She's probably getting writing on it" my Aunt says.

It was a few more minutes when the door bell wrong.

"I'll get it!!!!" I jumped up and ran to the door point it. "Hey mo-" I stop seeing the cop.

"Is anyone else home?" He asks.

"My Aunt Rebecca is" I say. "My mom will be soon."

The officer purses his lips, "can I speak to your Aunt?"

"Aunt Rebecca!!!" I call.

She walks in, "what going on?" She asks the officer.

"May I speak to you in private?" He asks.

My aunt turns to me, "go finish breafeast."

I nod turning around. I didn't usually break the rules, but  glad I did that day.

"What's wrong officer?"my Aunt asks in a hushed voice.

"I'm sorry miss... but I am supposed to inform you of the death of your sister, Tory."

That's when my world shattered.

I woke up with a scream.

It took me a second to realize I was not in my bed, but at my dad's mansion. I hadn't had a nightmare of the day my mom died in a long time...

It had gotten to the point where I didn't sleep an entire night, to where my aunt forced me to go to the doctor. He gave me medicine , but I didn't want it... I didn't want to sleep, I didn't want to keep reliving the nightmare.


"How was your sleep?" Seth asks as we walk to breakfast.

"Fine" I  lied. As soon as the sun rose I was getting makeup to cover the black circles under my eyes. Thank goodness Lily had forced me to learn to apply makeup.

The breakfast would have looked amazing on a normal day. But it didn't. Not to me.

"Lauren?" My aunt asks me

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"Lauren?" My aunt asks me. "Are you not hungry?" All eyes turned to me.

Thank goodness I didn't have to answer because Shyanne walked in.

"Sorry I'm late" she says. For a lady who's lost two husbands in the last two years she seemed happy... "but I have amazing news!"

She turned to me, "I know you may not be my daughter my blood, but you are related to my kids. That is why I took it into my hands to celebrate your upcoming birthday!"

I could hear my aunt suck in a breath. I don't move.

"So I did my homework and learned you've got two friends back home. So I invited them to stay the week for your birthday!!!"

The room was silent.

It was my Aunt who spoke, "you what?!"

So if you are confused, the dream was about Lauren's birthday, when her mom died. Last year she didn't celebrate it due to her sadness. That's why Rebecca was angry.

If you have any other questions feel free to ask!!!!!!!!

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