Chapter 22

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Abbie came up after me. She found me in my room reading. What I always did when I was upset.

She sits down beside me not speaking, but after a few minutes she asks, "How are you doing?"

"I'm fine" I say.

"Sure?" She asks.

"Yes" I couldn't let my voice crack. I couldn't cry. I did to much of that in my life already.

Abbie takes a breath, "the way you are clutching that book says otherwise." I loosen my grip on the book.

"Zack and Lily are in the rec room. Shyanne set up a movie night for all of us..." Abbie says. "You don't have to go though..."

"No" she looks at me. I put the book down, "Shyanne isn't going to win this time."


By time we all got downstairs Jessica was already flirting again with poor Aren, who sat quietly giving one word answers to her. When he saw us walk in he looked more relieved than I've ever seen him.

"What's the movie ideas?" Abbie breaks the silence.

"I vote Twilight" Jessica says. Of course, that used to be her favorite.

"Halloween town... or hocus pocus" Abbie says. Her favorites.

Jessica turns to Aren, "what do you like?"

Aren shrugs, "I've always liked Marley and Me."

"Let's do that" Jessica says.

"Sure" I say.

The movie was dreadful. Not the movie itself which I liked, but Jesica. Once Marley got loose once she grabbed Aren's arm and gasped. Then when Marley died she started to bawl like a two year old when their I scream melts and drops to the ground.

Finally we all departed towards our rooms. The boys rooms were on the left side of the hall, and the girls on the right.


The next day Shyanne had us all go to the stables.

Shyanne told the stables hands to get Jesica a horse, she planned out a trail ride across the property.

Jesica ended up with Dash, a nice and calm palomino mare.

Jesica ended up with Dash, a nice and calm palomino mare

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