Chapter 34

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After getting dressed into my swimsuit and throwing a T-shirt and shorts over I walk down the main street of the dormitory downstairs to the pool.

"Hey" Amoy jogs up to me, Seth, and Abbie.

"Hey" I say.

"Where's Renee?" Amoy asks.

"Coming" I say. As we walk into the pool deck I stop. There sitting int he chairs chatting are Vanessa, Camille, Melin, Jessica, and Alora.

Pulling down her sunglasses Camille looks up to us, "fancy seeing you all here."

"Yea" I say.

"Hey Amoy" Meilin says.

"Hey" Amoy says.

There was an award silence before I decided to that this wouldn't ruin our day. "Wanna play volleyball? Us against you five?"

"You have four people" Camille says.

"Five" Renee walks in.

"Fine" Vanessa gets up. Her friends follow suit.

We set up the net as Seth grabs us a ball.

"Okay" Renee says. "Three rounds. Whoever gets twenty points first wins that round. Best two out of three wins."

"Deal" Vanessa says. Her red hair gleams in the sunlight.

As we all get into position Renee starts the first round. We score a point!

"Yes!" Abbie pumps her fist into the air.

Melin serves next. The ball goes up and I hit it back, then Camille. Then when Amoy goes to hit it she slips and missed.

"One to one" Renee says. Seth serves. They score again. And again.

As I serve it flyers over the net and Alora couldn't catch it. Point us!!!!!

This goes back and forth before they win a round and we win a round. The score is 15 to 15, last round. Winner takes all.

Alora serves, but it's not strong enough and hits the net and we score. 15 to 16. Camille serves, and Renee scores again, 15 to 17. Then it's Meilins turn to serve and they scored. Then they scored again. 17 to 17.

Then we win twice and so do they, 19 to 19.

Abbie serves, and it flies into the air. Camille hits it back, but Seth retaliates hitting it. Then Vanessa hits it back to us, and Amoy follows suit. I see it flying towards me, and I hit it. Alora dived but missed.

20 to 20... We won!!!!!!!!!

"Yes!!!" Me and Amoy clap hands.

"Good game" Vanessa holds out her hand to me as we get out of the pool.

I shake her hand, "good -


"You should join Volleyball" I joke to Seth the next day.

"Never, I still have no clue another how you got me to sign up for football for this year." He grumbled.

I laugh, "I'm still comeing to watch you."

"I'm counting on it, I'm your body guard after all" he says.

As I walk into my first period class and say goodbye to him I sit and open my latest book.


After classes we got out early from study hall to go to the tryouts for the different sports. This meant I was free due to being in riding.

Me and Abbie rode the bus to the football field, finding a spot in the bleachers to watch.

"See Seth?" I ask, squinting my eyes to try and see.

She shakes her head, soon the tryouts start and they play a quick game with one round.

"Look" Abbie points to a boy who I recognize as Seth.

Then my eyes turn to see another player from the opposite team tackle him. It was Luke.

"That's going to hurt" Abbie says. I nod in agreement.

Surprise!!!! I know that I'm a little off my normal updating schedule but I'm still a bit dry on ideas. But here you go!!!!

And if you have any ideas feel free to comment!!!

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