Chapter 25

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"Why?" I ask.

"So that..." she stiles. Takes a breath, and says, "so I can kill my mom."

There was silence.

"What?!" I ask startled. "Why?!"

Vivi looks down, "what she's done is unforgivable."

I look at her, "what... what did she do."

A tear slips down Vivi's cheek, which is surprising because I'd never seen her cry. She didn't seem like one who would do it.

"She killed dad" she whispered. "Aren was baking a cake, she told him to grab the last ingredient... when he left... I saw her add the poison... it was the night she was supposed to move out. He died the next day... I didn't want to believe it... but when someone kept trying to kill you... I knew I had to face the facts..." she buries her face with her hands sobbing. "I don't know what dark do."

Shyanne killed dad. She did it. She sabotaged the saddle...

"What about the forest incident" I ask.

"She paid off a worker." Vivi says.

Before I could say anything I hear clapping. Turning around I see Shyanne. She's smiling wickedly.

"Good job"'she says. "I didn't know if you'd find out... guess you are smarter than I thought Vivianne."

"You killed dad" Vivi says pulling out her sword.

"Yes. He didn't deserve the money, I did. Aren does. And that worm got in the way" she points to me.

"She's inoccent" Vivi says.

"She's his daughter"Shyanne says. "No one in this family is innocent. Even me."

Shyanne raises her weapon, and time seems to freeze. I hear Abbie scream in fear, and Vivi yell something. I'm knocked backward by something, sending me falling to the ground. When I look down I see Vivi, her arm bleeding.

Vivi screams at the pain, dropping her sword. Shyanne goes to reload the weapon, and on I stinc I grab the sword.

"Abbie" I yell. "Pull the emergency alarm!" I point to the button on the wall.

As Abbie goes to push it I run towards Shyanne, sword raised.

Right before Shyanne can shoot again I swing to her hand, causing her to drop y he weapon.

Shyanne screams in pain, and I take the chance to knock her down. Pinning her down i heal the scratching bell. Abbie had sounded the alarm.

Three seconds later security guards were marching in.

I know this chapter was also a bit short, but I decided the next part would wait till next chapter.

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