Chapter 32

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After the trail ride I head straight back to my dorm to get dressed for dinner. I threw on a black long sleeve shirt and a jean skirt. I stoped in the bathroom my eyes seeing my lipstick, but I decide off on it thinking that it was too much.

Somehow I hit Seth to just follow my tracker a few feet away from the buildings, telling him to stay out of Luke's sight

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Somehow I hit Seth to just follow my tracker a few feet away from the buildings, telling him to stay out of Luke's sight. Somehow he agreed.

After dinner at a Japanese place we went to the library store.

After dinner at a Japanese place we went to the library store

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Sitting in there for about an hour we talk about the different choices and if they sounded good, and after buying a few book he walks me to my dorm

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Sitting in there for about an hour we talk about the different choices and if they sounded good, and after buying a few book he walks me to my dorm.

Abbie was watching TV with Renee while Amoy sat with a book in her hands.

"How was the date?"Renee asks.

"Good" I take off my shoes and set down my purse.

"Kiss?" Abbie asks.

I roll my eyes, "have I ever asked you if you've kissed Zack?"

"No..." Abbie says.

"Who's Zack?" Renee asks.

"Her boyfriend." I answer. "Remember, the brunette who sat by Nick."

"Right" Renee says. "Glasses boy, right. He's cute. Good pick."

"Are you dating Raphael?" I ask Renee.

"Kinda, it's more of a close friend's relationship though."she says.

I have another bus on my phone. Pulling it out I see that the unknown number texted me again.

Unknown: Be ready. The fun begins tomorrow.

Me: what do you mean?

Unknown: that's for me to know and for you to find out.

That night I didn't fall asleep till late.


Waking up I do my normal getting dressed unto my uniform routine, and getting my school bag to go get coffee.

Classes went as usual, art with Nick, advanced math, and etc. Lunch was as delicious as ever with the buffet of foods from around the world.

Walking to the horse barn with Abbie like yesterday we separate to go to get our horses tacked up. And walking to Percy's stall I gasp, the air leavening my lungs. Percy was gone.

I run up the stable hall which thankfully had no one in it and searched them to see if he was accident put in the wrong stall by a groomer. Nothing.

"Hey!"I turn to see a girl running my way, her brown hair waving behind her. "Are you looking for a horse?"

"A block Arabian" I say. "How did you know?"

"There's one walking down the hall" she pointed in the direction she came from.

Both of us ring in we make it to the hall and sure enough Percy was there. He look frightened, terrified.

"Hey buddy" I slowly walk up to him so that I don't startle him and grab his halter.

"Here" the girl grabs a lead rope that sat on a bucket in-front of someone's stall and hands it to me.

"Thanks" I clasp it on and walk him to his stall. Turning around I ask her, "thank you so much, I have no idea how that happened. The stall was locked when I got here."

"I'm Isabelle, and no worry. I hear that there's quite the competition here, and that some people like to try to get on other riders nerves." She says.

"This hasn't happened to me yet"I say. "But thanks again."

Isabelle smiles, "no problem."

Here's the next chapter!!!  Thoughts on Isabelle?

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