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"Shufu, we didn't know you would be here," Wuxian said as they entered the Yashi.

Lan Xichen was also there and Baihu was kneeling in front of him. Baihu's parents were also present as they were told that he misbehaved in class.

"Of course, Xichen told me what happened and I am here as I am one of the few who hand out punishments...who is this little one here?" Lan Qiren asked.

"This is Lan Haishi," Wuxian explained, "it is very last minute and unexpected but she is our adopted daughter. On our way here we saw that she was getting yelled at by Madam Shen for something she didn't do. Haishi just happened to win us over."

"It's nice to meet you Haishi," Lan Xichen said, "I am your Bofu."

"My Bofu is Zewu Jun?" She asked, "it's nice to meet you." Haishi was smiling and giggling. She seemed to be happy to meet the main family, "and you are Grandmaster Lan."

"Yes I am, it's nice to meet you," he said, "we will do a more proper meeting after we deal with Baihu."

"What has our son done to be dismissed from his class and even been removed from Hanguang Jun's class permanently?" Baihu's mother asked.

"He has had an attitude as of late. He insulted my brother-in-law and he has also insulted my brother's eldest son," Xichen explained, "he knows the rules and he has been warned and punished once already. He is now needing to work on his attitude and he is to be punished for bullying his fellow classmates and a respected mentor of the sect."

"The Yiling Patriarch is far from respected in the sect, let alone the world," Baihu's father said.

Wuxian sighed, "do you wish to keep that tongue of yours?" He asked.

"You dare threaten me?" Baihu's father asked.

"I am only asking for your safety as my husband tends to get very...sadistic when someone insults me in front of him," Wuxian warned.

"Hanguang Jun, as prominent and righteous as you are, you made a big mistake marrying this man," Baihu's father said, "this man is a mistake created by the gods themselves!"

Lan Xichen looked at Wuxian as he remembered saying something similar to Wuxian a long time ago. He has long since regretted saying those words but he knows that Wuxian still hurts from that moment. Wuxian did walk away for a few years. He still questions his place in Wangji's life to this day, even now that he was married to him.

"The only mistake here is having members like you within this sect," Lan Qiren said suddenly.

Wuxian was already close to tears when Lan Qiren said that, "Baba, please don't cry," Haishi said. Wuxian was still holding her and the little girl was comforting him. She even wiped the tears away, "You are too pretty to cry."

Wuxian smiled at her, "thank you, Haishi," Wuxian said.

"She is correct," Wangji said and hugged them both, "too pretty to cry."

Wuxian laughed, "alright," he said.

"Your family has until morning to pack up what you need and leave this sect. We do not have room here for people like you," Lan Qiren said.

"Zewu Jun, are you serious?" Baihu's mother asked.

"Absolutely," Lan Xichen said, "you are dismissed."

Baihu and his family left the Yashi. Him and his father were angry while his mother was upset that they were kicked out. Wuxian sat down at the table nearby and Haishi was still comfortable in his arms.

"Are you okay?" Xichen asked.

"I am," Wuxian said, "as for Haishi, we know we are traveling soon but we will prepare for her to come. We'd hate to just leave her even though she has more family here. Plus it's more time to bond."

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