Information For A Price

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Guang's words echoed jarringly in the large chamber. He panted heavily, as if he had just ran a marathon, but it felt so good to be able to belt out his true opinion. Surely, now that he had said something so atrocious, Lord Janus had no choice but to address the issue. Lord Janus can't turn a blind eye to this anymore.

With bated breath, Guang watched as Lord Janus leaned forward, intertwining his fingers. Then, with a composure as unshakable as the mountains, Lord Janus asked, "On what basis?"


"I'm asking, on what basis are your claims based on?"

"My guts," Guang stated firmly.

Opsidia giggled. Meanwhile, Lord Janus questioned, "Do you mind elaborating on that?"

"It's simple," Guang said. "I just believe in Sui's innocence."

"Even though there is a witness who testified to the Demon King's crimes?"

He must be talking about Jin. While Guang trusted his brother with all his heart, it just didn't seem right that Sui was the real perpetrator behind the incident. He doesn't believe that Jin was lying, but neither does he believe Sui was the real perpetrator. Guang believed that there must be some sort of misunderstanding during the incident, and because of this, he can confidently answer, "Yes."

With a justification as subjective as 'my guts', Lord Janus must have realised there was no way to convince Guang. Not when he ran on full logic while Guang didn't. Conclusively, Lord Janus said, "One would think there is naught but a brain cell in your head, but I stand corrected. Your brain is resoundingly hollow. Be that as it may, unfortunately, I cannot confirm your accusation."

Guang was reminded again of why he hated this man. Furiously, he demanded, "Why not?! It's you, isn't it? Just admit it!"

"It is a definitive fact that the Demon King was the one who instigated the Dragon Manor incident - and I believe you have been told several times. Like fire is hot and ice is cold, the Demon King is the perpetrator of the Dragon Manor incident. I'm not going to waste my precious time repeating facts to you. However, regarding the specific details about the Dragon Manor incident - something you don't even know about - this, I could share some insights."

With such generosity, Guang was beginning to reevaluate his opinion of Lord Janus. Was Lord Janus actually not that bad of a person after all?

"For a price," Lord Janus added.

Of course, there was a catch. He was wrong to think that Lord Janus could be a benevolent person like Hero Rayler.

Guang tch-ed. "It's about my family. I have the right to know the information for free."

"It's about your family, which makes the information all the more valuable towards you."

"Huh?" Guang growled.

Raising four fingers, Lord Janus explained, "There are four rules of information trading as set by the Ministry of Intelligence. One, all information can be purchased for a price. Two, the price is not limited to money. Some may cost as much as a handshake, while some may cost your own life. Three, the price of the information will be determined by the Information Trading Centre, and factors such as the information itself, the clearance level of the information and the receiver of the information will be considered. Four, those who fail to provide payment will be subjected to the judgement of the Ministry of Intelligence.

Do you understand, Mr. Long, the price you'll have to pay in exchange for the specific details of the Dragon Manor incident?"

Guang clenched his fists. Lord Janus was basically telling him that he would not spill a single word about the incident unless Guang was ready to risk his life. As much as Guang wanted to know what happened and seek vengeance for his parents, he still had Jin to care for. Because of that, he can't barter his life.

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