The Ghost in Twilight Tower

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Despite Lord Janus having answered some of Guang's questions, Guang had left with more questions than answers. What did he mean when he said the answers were in the memories Guang had lost? 'Specifically', the Hero forbid - that was as unspecific as it could get! A thousand things could have happened in the memories he had lost. How can his past be a lead when he can't even remember?

In the elevator, Guang was so busy cursing Lord Janus in his head that he barely registered something tugging at his pants. He looked down, only to be wholly surprised.

"Lil' Greeny!"

It was the boy he had played catch with the other day! With his ball in his hands, the boy grinned at Guang.


"You can call me Guang, kiddo." Smiling, Guang rubbed the boy's hair, much to his giggling.

Then it suddenly hit Guang that a literal child was by himself within the Ministry of Intelligence. Guang had thought that the boy had left, but here he was, all on his lonesome. It was concerning that the boy was unaccompanied by an adult. Did he get separated from his guardians?

"Lil' Greeny, where are your parents?"

A beat of silence passed. The boy was smiling, but it was completely void of emotion. Did Guang perhaps intruded upon a sensitive topic?

Shudder. The elevator doors opened, the feminine voice above calmly saying, "Ground floor."

With the boy not answering his question, Guang was at a loss on what to do. Should Guang leave the child in the elevator? Should he try to stay with the child? Or should he-

Hesitantly, Guang held the boy's hand. The boy looked at him, big, golden eyes blinking owlishly.

"Let's go find your parents, alright?"

The boy didn't protest. Instead, he gave a soft hum as he allowed himself to be guided by Guang.

Guang was off-put by how quiet the boy was. When they were playing catch, the boy was overwhelmingly energetic and ecstatic, bouncing and ricocheting off the walls like a rubber ball that Guang could barely keep up. Compared to then, the boy was like a husk of himself, silent and obedient. Guang couldn't help but feel unnerved by the sudden change in the boy's personality.

As they neared the entrance of Twilight Tower, Guang let go of the boy's hand. Instead, he bent down until he was level with the boy and placed both hands on the boy's tiny shoulders.

Kindly, Guang said, "I'll go talk to the security there for a bit, yeah? They'll help you find your parents, so stay here and be a good kid, alright? Your parents will be here soon."

Not wanting to leave the boy alone for too long, Guang hurriedly jogged towards the security guard stationed at the entrance. However, he had just taken a couple of steps when he heard the boy bawl, "Don't leave, Yang-ge!"

It was a desperate, heart-wrenching cry of a child being abandoned. It brimmed with such raw emotion that it made Guang freeze in his tracks. For reasons unknown, he felt that the cry was directed at him. He turned around, but the green-haired boy was nowhere to be seen. His heart dropped. Oh, no. Oh, no, no, no. Did the boy get lost again? Guang searched the area, but no matter how hard he tried, there was no sign of the boy. Damn it! How could he let a boy go missing under his nose? He doubted the boy wandered off on his own - was he kidnapped?

There was something wrong with the boy from the start. Was the boy's downcast personality from earlier a call of help to Guang, or was it a coincidence?

Guang's head was reeling with the endless possibilities of what had happened to the boy that he felt queasy. He can't solve this on his own. If Jin were here, he would know what to do, but alas, his brother was nowhere near here. With no other choice, Guang had to rely on strangers. The security guard from earlier - he may be of help! Guang sprinted back towards the entrance where a security guard was stationed.

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