Chapter 33.5: The Scarlet Bond-Part 2

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After the heart warming and fun little trip you all had at the Kingdom of Raja, enough time had passed and the cultivation of the forest had already begun as Raja's work force began working on the land to begin the cultivation progress. You all had returned home and you sat at the central plaza of town with a bunch of kids with Mai and Iris by your side as you made sure to bring back some souvenirs and toys for everyone to enjoy. Secily was twirling around with some of the other kids as they played with toys that they could wind up and throw in the air for it to fly and they ran around the place while chasing after them. You sat with a relaxed smile watching the kids play as Mai had just returned with a tray of glasses of iced tea for you two and Iris to enjoy. 

"Here you go." Mai said as she passed a glass over to Iris.

"Thank you." Iris thanked her as she sat straight up and next to you while she held her glass with one hand wrapped around it and one hand underneath it.

"Your glass, my Lord." Mai handed you over a glass as you took it with a smile.

"Thanks." You said as you took a brief sip before letting out a nice sigh. "Ahhh, this is bliss." You said as you felt relaxed under the warm sun while enjoying a nice drink.

"Thank you for bringing home souvenirs, Great Y/N." One of the Hobgoblin mothers thanked you as she watched over her children near you three.

"Don't sweat it. They had a lot of cool things over there that I didn't really see anywhere else, so I figured it'd be nice to bring something back for everyone." You said as the mom giggled and waved to you before joining the other moms on the side. "What a nice day to relax. Hey, Iris, you think we all should take today off, right?" You said as you leaned back a bit and supported yourself with your hands behind you.

"That's right." Iris said as she took a small sip from her iced tea and smiled at the atmosphere of the area. "Everyone's having fun, and that's how it should be." She said before she noticed Secily running towards her.

"Bis Sister! Big sister!" Secily flapped her little wings and jumped towards Iris as the adult Ghidorah sister managed to set down her glass before catching her sister. "I wanna go to Raja, too! Can we go?" She asked excitedly.

"Huh? Right now?" Iris asked in surprise.

"Yeah! I wanna see the places Big Brother has gone too!" Secily said as she was pulled into her sister's lap while she turned her head towards you. "Can we go, Big Brother?" She asked cutely as you had an awkward smile on your face.

"I-I don't know, Secily...The people from Raja are in our forest right now and need our help to make their farms, so I don't think we can..." You said nervously as she suddenly grew a sad look on her face.

"We can't...?" Secily asked with a single tear welling in her eye as she suddenly turned into the most adorable child around.

"Kyyun~~!!" You and the other adults around were all smitten from Secily's adorableness.

"START PACKING! WE'LL LEAVE RIGHT NOW!!" You exclaimed without hesitation.

"KYAAA!!! SECILY-CHAN!! YOU'RE THE CUTEST!!" Mai said as she clung herself to Secily and nuzzled against the small Ghidorah girl's face as she giggled loudly.

"Who would've thought my sister would possess such dangerous techniques..." Iris muttered with a huge pink blush on her face while she trembled and turned her face to hide how bashful she looked in front of her sister while Secily tilted her head cutely at Iris in confusion.

"What's all the commotion? Whoa, watch it little guy..." You all heard as you turned to see your mother walking over as she ushered along a few kids to keep playing. "All these kids get a souvenir, but your own mother gets no gift? Don't you think it's a bit cruel?" She said before suddenly leaning close to Mai with a suggestive smirk on her face as Mai was surprised and nervous from the close-distance between them. "Or is my gift still 'in the oven' so to speak?" She said while poking Mai in her tummy as the moth girl turned red in embarrassment.

Life As Monsters: Male Reader x That Time I Got Reincarnated as a SlimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora