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The next day, the FBI agents tried looking for the fugitive but knowing how well she can blend in the crowd with disguises, it wasn't easy to track down. Of course, one of the agents has been in school since that's where it all started, they checked but no sign of her. They checked the Beauty Divine company but no trace of her and it's now passed to a new CEO and director to run the brand. Investigators are still working on her records and history and so far, they were confused and nearly in denial to believe this person is the same for years and yet no single aging has occurred on her for years. It was as if she made lots of false relatives that never existed at all. No sons, no fathers, nothing. All just daughters. As if she was making stuff up to hide her real identity so no one would discover her immortality to truly exist.

"This Cerise is truly a mystery," The FBI leader said.

"And very slippery each time we are fooled by deception" The other agent and found one wig that was left behind.

"That cat was right. Our eyes can deceive us. We better get it to the lab to find DNA on it" The private investigator said

"That cat sure knows more about her than anyone," The agent said.

"I don't trust him. That look of his makes him a maniac rather than a hero" The other agent said.


Claw Noir being his usual self was hiding in the shadows to be away from the sunlight while sipping blood through the straw, just to feel refreshed or in his opinion, healthy as an undead trait.

"Heh, you look more comfortable in the shadows rather than get tan in sunlight. It's like you prefer to 'moon-tan' at night to be pale" Ladybug using air quotes as the opposite of daylight.

"Pretty much, Bugaboo" Claw Noir replied.

"You look deathly pale like the dead that never wanted some light," Ladybug said.

"Totally, milady. If I want to look undead, I can't look alive with tan" Claw Noir finished his drink.

"Right," Ladybug said.

"If Lila wants me, she's gonna have to get me. But I'm far too strong. I can't touch her either but she can't catch me quite well" Claw Noir said before sinking his fangs on a dead rat.

"So much for a powerful witch," Ladybug said.

"I bite like a bitch" Claw Noir said.

"Sure you do" Ladybug chuckled.

"I seriously do. You always assume I bite people's asses. I haven't bitten your neck but your arm. Totally big difference" Claw Noir said before throwing the dead rat away, "Plus, it bothers you when I have blood in my mouth"

"You do enjoy biting too much" Ladybug chuckled.

"You have no idea, milady" Claw Noir said.

"For a cat that scratches with its claws, I say you bite like a dog" Ladybug making fun of him.

"I bite like a vampire bat, milady. Bats bite you know" Claw Noir smirked.

"Really? What kind of animal are you?" Ladybug said.

"A wild and vicious animal to be more dangerous and badass" Claw Noir purred near her neck.

"Ohhhh..... getting feisty, are you?" Ladybug teased.

"Indeed, in a dangerous style," Claw Noir moves in the sunlight just so his sizzling body is more like he's smoking hot, "And very sexy"

"Ummm.... yeah" Ladybug blushed.

The feline moved in the shadows before he got burned too much, "Admit it, that metaphor was too much for you" He applied sunscreen on his face.

"Way too much, kitty," Ladybug said.

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