The Separation

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Not everything that is broken remains the broken, and not every shattered rock has a crack.

When it was about the house of his old friend, Aaramaan respired the might of the wind lord Maruta and brought the whirlwind upon the shattered home of the late Celestial Knights.

The white wind in the dark world and the breathe of the celestial dragon who was born into the mortal world were said to hold the strength to elevate the spheres of the Ananta. However, when Aaramaan flapped his wings, he left behind the gale to fly the metamorphic boulders.

'Pardon from Ved!' Aaramaan vocalized. 'He knew that you all were brought into the dungeon for a sole purpose. But he did not tell further...' The wind covered the dragon as he added, 'Since you fought to save Joy, I must beg your pardon for being late. I am sorry for those who didn't make it under your watch. They were the honored ones...the monks of scrutiny. And I have no power to offer the lives. For you who live...please walk with us, my lord! Let us content you!' And the waves of the white wind vanished with his leave, though the broken mountain was mended to its old shape, carrying half of its essence as grey stones slicing through the clouds. And there still remained a sacred wood dripping water drops through the edge of its green needles.

Mihir was sitting there, beyond the mighty brotherhood's stronghold. There he built a grave for Hollen, Ossan, and Jour, and carved a stone tablet, writing:

Thy crystal preserved the beacon of thy might.

Thy bones shone beyond the mortal height.

Thy halo condensed the sun of ivory light.

Thy work brought peace to this very old life.

I do not fathom thy felony, but thou fight for thy family.

Thou were early to abscond this vector ride.

But thou live and die a righteous life.

In the name of thy orchid eyes, thou will be comprehended in the myth of The Ninth.

The trumpet of Mihir will cry thy name in the torrent.

And the drums of liberation will reach thy heaven.

Hark it when the dark arises.

The tablet was later hidden in the darkness of their home when Mihir put it in the hole of that Deodar, which was a home for a white Tern. And he wrote, 'Only the moonlight knew the path to the eternal flames of the fallen Empyreans. It dazzled silver on the wooden gauntlet.' However, those who arrived there beheld nothing but a line that Mihir whispered: 'Here lie the last saviors whose will never stray from the world of the eyes.' He stood up with his hand folded and genuflected when the thunder struck beneath. 'Call for my need!'

But before he in the golden hood disappeared in the dark night, he said to Dhir that their path might be the same, but their mission would be different, and he added, 'It is about my time when I meet him again. I hope you would look after my sons...'

'As long as they defend their home!' Dhir bowed to him, but ere he would stop the mighty man, the former scout of the Ananta set forth on the path of revenge.

Mihir was gone!

'There will always be some strange path to follow! It is difficult sometimes when the view ahead is unclear. But during those moments of uncertainty, even the wise man struggles to get hold of himself. I hope thou are not going to torment thyself...'

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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