Chapter 20

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By myself

BRIDGERTON fanficBy myself

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[ currently ... ]

She sat in the, dressing room back in their main estate, as she across from the same lord who stepped on her toes last ball- her brother anthony had his wedding suit tailored only 3 hours ago and now the rest of her siblings were off doing something.

And as the lord spoke, she nods along with his chatter about his ancestral home in France, "i plan on going to France once i wed where i can have many children running around the home" lord benet explains, his words make her blink in surprise.

"France?" She says in surprise, and he nods. Her mama watched, the feeling of her mamas eyes was burning into her soul. She looks at the lord, "yes, is something the matter miss. Ester? You look flustered" the lord furrows a brow, and she shakes her head immediately.

"No, in fact, France is a lovely place. I do love the buildings from paintings i have seen, and the flowers that are grown are so beautiful." She smiles politely, and yet, she couldn't feel any single flutter of butterflies in her stomach.

Though she can't be bothered for love... no. What's best is finding a lord who is titled and at least kind, which lord benet was exactly.

"Oh yes, the flowers are much more beautiful than the ones here in England, and the buildings are grand" lord benet says as he leans forward and takes a small cake where he uses a small fork to eat.

The lord then goes ahead and talks all about his homeland and how he wants to live with his wife there in France. And she just kept smiling, putting her input in lord benet's conversation.

And soon, the man bids himself farewell. Once he left, her mama sat next to him, "dear, has something happened between you and the marquees?" her mama asks worriedly as she placed a hand over Ester's hand that was on her lap. Ester looks at her mama, sucking in a breath as she shakes her head.

"All that has happened is that my mind is clear now, and i do not need to be bothered by that Lord Coltan and however charming he may have been, he is not a suitor. Lord benet is a good suitor, i am sure if i can swoon him, it will be a easy and quick marriage. He is quite kind" Ester says as she pulls her hand away from her mama as she gave her mama a strained smile.

Her mama's lips pull down, "dear... an easy and quick marriage is not a love marriage" her mama shakes her head, "i do not care about that mama! I am just fine with a marriage with a man who is kind, that is all i care about" she snaps her breath harsh as her chest raises up and down. Her mama looks across ester's face.

"Ester... you have always been my most diligent child. Especially once your father passed... and that's why you worry me, especially that day... when you were on the brink of death..." her mama trails off, and ester stands up quickly, "i am going out to the markets." And before her mama could stop her, Ester already left the drawing room.

And as Violet watched as the door closed, she lets a worried sigh as she holds her head with her hand.

Ester was walking when she saw Anthony come through the entrance while her maid followed behind her. Anthony furrows a brow at the sight of Ester's lightly frowning face, "ester?" Anthony asks but they come across deaf ears as she keeps on walking, aurora dipping her head in greeting before following after Ester.

In the marketplace ester, looks at fruits as she picks up a plum, a frown on her lips as she keeps staring at it, "are you intrigued by a plum?" The sound of that man makes her eyes widen as she snaps her head up at the same lord coltan she did not want to see.

Her eyes narrow as she frowns as she puts the plum down again harshly while glaring at the man before huffing as she turns her head and went to walk away from him, aurora following behind as lord coltan heads to be walking by her side, which she seems to be bothered by.

"So miss Bridgerton, your brother and miss edwina have been engaged, what a surprise it looks like" the marquess hums in amusement, and his words just make Ester the more bothered, "and what of it?" She replies harshly as she looks to the side at the man, whose brow raises as he smirks.

"Are you truly that angry with me still? Are we not friends?" He asks as she made faster strides to escape the presence of the lord, who blinks.

"Are you truly trying to lose me miss. Bridgerton? What have i made you so mad?" He asks as he goes faster to match her quick strides, she lets a harsh huff as she stops as she turns as she looks at the lord with a deep frown, "lord coltan, i wish for you too leave me alone. We are not friends anymore. Now leave me Lord coltan." She huffs as she turns as she storms off, aurora speeding after her.

Lord coltan's lips were parted as he stared at her before he presses them together, "miss Bridgerton!" He shouts after her, and she looked over her shoulder at him, her eyes locked on with his, "since we are apparently no longer friends, i shall try to regain your friendship once again. I promise you, after all, regaining one's friendship is one of my many talents" he smiles at her, grinning as he showed his teeth.

Her eyes widened just a bit while her lips were parted before pressing them firmly together before turning on her heal and walking away as the crowd made him lose sight of her, yet a smile was still on his face, before chuckling and turning on his heal and leaving.

1024 words

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