Chapter 27

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By myself

BRIDGERTON fanficBy myself

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[ currently ... ]

It had been a, week since eloise's scandal was discovered, and such— miss kate had an incident and was asleep from what she learned. She sat in the drawing room while reading poetry that she had bought before eloise's scandal while her other hand patted peaches head as the beagle was awake again. Thankfully it seems that peaches was been getting better, though the dog was quite heavier and her stomach was larger...

And she believed that lord coltan was just like the rest of the ton because the man wasn't even seen when she went to a park, or in the marketplace. So his status as a friendly acquaintance was gone again.

After all, she thought he wasn't one for such frivolous things, but she guessed she was wrong.  She listens as her mama told miss wilson to send some more flowers to the sharma's.

"Are we sending flowers to the sharma's again?" Hyacinth asks their mama who took some tea, "there's nothing worse than wilting flowers when someone is unwell" their mama walks over to where all the couches were at, ester looks up as she sees their mama go to sit next to eloise across from colin and her.

"We're not attending to the feathering's ball are we?" Benedict asks, ester could already feel that if she did, she would either get nasty glares or be sucked in miss prudence's bragging about her ring, or something.

"Oh i do not know. I suppose it is a good thing we were invited. On my walk this morning with ester, we were given the cut direct. Twice" their mama says, and ester nods.

"At the very least that lady whistledown is not writing about it" ester sighs thankfully as she sinks into the plush couch where she sat on Colin's right who was reading a news paper.

"She does not seem to be writing at all anymore. Is that not right, El'?" Colin looks up at Eloise, who gave him a dirty look as she stopped her reading. Ester just looks at the two of them

Their mama turns towards eloise, "eloise, uhm... perhaps a stroll with penelope might help clear your mind?" Their mama offers to eloise who went back to her reading.

"The last thing penelope needs is to be seen consorting with the likes of me."

"Mama, if just me and you were cut twice, heavens forbid what people would do to eloise. Wouldn't it be better to let things simmer down?" Ester offers. After all, eloise was the one who's the one who did such scandal.

Then, their brother storms in, "has no one informed me that we have lost three staff in the last month? These are precisely the things i must know about." Anthony says harshly as everyone looked over at him, even peaches head lifted up.

"We are not the only ones affected by our il reputation of late, Anthony" their mama replies, anthony looks at Colin, "colin. Would you care to inform me about anything?" Anthony asks, and colin looks at him, stopping his reading.

"I do not take not of staff changes, brother"

"What about our accounts? You do not seem to take note of them either since i spent the last two days balancing our books, only to discover that you have taken out a rather large sum. Whatever for?" Everyone looked over at colin, either with their head or their eyes. Ester chose the forme

"...if you must know, i was exploring a investment with Lord featherington" ester raises a brow in confusion while looking at her brother with a odd look.

Anthony lets a harsh breath out, "this is just what makes the difficulties in the household, no one gives a thought to how it is to be managed." He says in a harsh tone. Ester ducks her head down as she everts her head to her poetry.

"He is 1 and 20, brother" Benedict backs colin up as he looks up at him while holding his sketching, ester flickers her gaze around, "is no one allowed to make their own decisions?" Eloise complains in disbelief as anthony looks down at her

"You, keep your doodling. And do not ask me to speak of your activities, i would not know where to begin" he snaps at her before looking forward. Ester's bottom lip gets pursed out as Eloise paused as she looked at him before closing her book, "may i be excused?" She says as she was insulted and after getting the nod from their mama, she stands up to leave

"I must go too. But do not worry brother, i shall tell you every step i take today." Colin tells anthony in his face before turning and leaving, "yes. Doodling awaits, i suppose" Benedict leaves, "i believe me and Hyacinth have some flower arranging to do" ester stands as does hyacinth, "we do" hyacinth and ester leave as peaches is picked up by ester and she and hyacinth leave, "I have my latin" and then gregory leaves lastly.

Hyacinth and Ester then go to another room where the two went ahead and started on some flower arranging, Hyacinth looks up at her as she placed a lilac while Ester was busy staring at her own bouquet she was still fixing.

"Have you seen Lord coltan lately? I heard he has a cat!" Hyacinth smiles, and ester pauses as she held a orchid in her hand, she swallows as she snaps out, "no, it seems the lord really is just like the rest of the ton it seems. Even when i look for him purposely outside when i take a stroll, he is no where." she grumbles out while she snips the stem to shorten it while having a deep frown on her face.

"Really? But i thought he was in love with you surely" hyacinth complains, making ester sputter out as she had widened eyes as she snapped her head at hyacinth, stuttering over her words before clearing her throat.

"He is not in love, he's never even called upon me. Don't get it twisted, Hyacinth" she looks at hyacinth scoldingly while hyacinth frowns as her bottom lip purses out.

"Really? But the way he looked at you is way different than that lord benet" hyacinth scoffs while shuffling her weight on either side of herself.

"Yes, but I'm sure once this had all calmed down and he returns, i will be back to being courted by lord benet and i can get myself a match." She huffs while she placed the orchid in the bouquet rather harshly while having a confident expression on her face.

"But lord benet's really boring. I know if i marry, he can't be so boring" hyacinth huffs with a sharp nod, ester laughs as she pats hyacinth on the shoulder, "i'm sure you'll find someone much more exciting than lord Benet is. He is quite fully dreadful, though don't tell him that" ester snickers to him, and hyacinth laughs at ester's comment.

1180 words

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