Chapter 22

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By myself

BRIDGERTON fanficBy myself

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[ currently ... ]

Raising his hunting gun, he was a skillful eye while kneeling behind a dead log. His breaths were calm and slow as he had a finger on the trigger, watching as a dear was eating some forest grass, and then..


He shoots, killing it in 2 shots. It collapses as he stands up, dusting his trousers off where they came at the knees before heading to the kill as one of his fellow friends trailed behind with his sun on his shoulder, "nice kill, Coltan!" The man laughs deeply, lord coltan just let a chuckle out while going to the dear and tying it up.

"I appreciate the compliment, Gray." The marquees nods to the viscount of gray. The blonde man just hums in response, "say, aren't you supposed to be with your wife right now?" Coltan raises a brow while he was kneeling, the blonde just rolls his eyes as he puts his weight on his left leg.

"She's probably up and getting ready to go out to go and gossip while reviewing that lady whistledown or do whatever a woman does. I don't concern myself with such frivolous things" the viscount shrugs, lord coltan looks at the man with the shake of his head, the viscount notes this.

"What? Have another ideal of how to treat your wife— which you don't even have. Thankfully" gray says as he looked at lord coltan as the man stood fully up as one of his male workers takes the now dead dear and puts it on a special horse.

"I know better how to treat a woman than you. And i at least know to treat whoever i marry someday, kindly and give them respect. Which you don't give your wife, or son. When was the last time you've seen him again?" Lord coltan raises a brow, and lord gray scoffs in response.

"All i need from a wife is a son, and i'm set. If that son dies, then she simply must make me another one." Lord coltan had a sour expression from how lord gray spoke of his wife.

"I don't believe a woman can simply make a new one if your son was too pass. And you should be giving your wife a ounce of respect if you are not in love, then the least you can give her is your respect" lord coltan huffs to the man, who let sigh, shaking his head lightly.

"Anyways, tell me. Have you found a woman that interests you? You are a marquees after all, which means you can wed any free woman you want and they'd be happy with it. Though I'm sure with your mother, they might just go crazy" lord gray jokes at the end, which makes lord coltan roll his eyes as he and lord gray walked with slow strides together.

"I suppose miss bridgerton has caught my attention. Though i wouldn't make her wed me due to my mother" lord coltan shakes his head at the prospect, after all, he didn't want miss bridgerton to be nick picked by his mother and make her self esteem drop to zero. Lord gray raises a questioning brow, "and which miss bridgerton are you referring to exactly?"

"Miss ester bridgerton" the name rolls off his tongue like a floral flavor of fruit. Lord gray hums in recognition, "ah, the more promising looking debutant. I've heard that lord benet has been a frequent caller as of late" lord gray gossips, the mention of lord benet calling on miss bridgerton made his steps hesitate.

"He has, has he?" Lord coltan says with a sour taste overcoming the floral taste he had when speaking of miss Bridgerton, to being sour when talking of that lord, lord gray sees this and he laughs out, "are you jealous? How about you go and call on her, hm? Surely a viscount cannot compete against a marquees, and that's coming from a viscount himself" lord gray shrugs with a smirk, lord coltan just rolls his eyes.

"I will not call on her, i wouldn't wish to put the burden of my mother's constant nick picking on her. That and she is my friend, even if she doesn't want me to currently" lord coltan shakes his head as he continues on his walking while lord gray let a laugh after shaking his head and walking next to lord coltan again.

"Hm? Has something happened?" Lord gray asks while he raises a brow, lord coltan shakes his head after shrugging, "after a ball back in the country a week ago, she pulled me to the side after asking about if i will ever call on her, and after i was unable to make a response to her, she left and now it seems we are on bad terms..." he mumbles at the end

"Well, for that, i'm unsure on what to say. Though if you want to ever wed her, I'm sure she'll take it immediately, maybe if you—" lord gray goes to tell lord coltan to try and bribe lord bridgerton, lord coltan grabbed his jacket collar, a harsh look on lord coltan's face

"Do not ever say such things to me again Lord gray. I will never disrespect a lady like miss Bridgerton with the prospect of me even bribing her brother to marry. I will never force a lady in a marriage, you are crossing a boundary Lord gray. Don't cross it any more, understand?" lord coltan says with a harsh tone, glaring at the man whose body tenses as his lips were parted.

Lord coltan lets go before turning as he walks forward. Lord gray lets a shaky breath as he adjusts his chavat before following after lord coltan nervously with a lump in his throat while looking at the back of the marquees while having a much less confident look on his face. In truth, he'd even might have a tail between his legs.

1001 words

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