Fight and flight

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"So... when's the last time we're gonna wait on our girlfriends together?" I asked Viv, our eyes riveted on the training ground in front of us, where the team was playing.

I just had my first therapy session for my ankle, so I was in physio all morning. Due to her knee, Viv had spent her morning in the gym.

We got finished up and got out approximately at the same time, and were now waiting on the sidelines for Beth and Leah to finish training so we could all go to lunch.

Viv exhaled slowly, her gaze fixed on the pitch where Beth and Leah were training. The sun was high in the sky, casting long shadows across the field and highlighting the intense focus of the players as they moved with practiced precision. She ignored my question. She probably didn't know the answer, and it probably hurt too much to think about that right now.

"How's the ankle?" She asked, diverting the conversation to safer ground. Her voice was casual, but I could sense the undercurrent of concern.

I shifted my weight, testing the strength of the recently rehabilitated joint. "It's getting there. The physio says I'm making good progress, but it's hard to be patient. I just want to be back on the field, you know?"

Viv nodded, her eyes still following Beth's movements as she darted through the training drills. "I get it. The knee's been a real bastard, too. Sometimes it feels like it's never going to be the same."

I gasped at her words. "Vivianne! Never in my life have I heard you use a bad word before!"

Vivianne smirked, finally tearing her eyes away from the pitch to look at me. "Guess there's a first time for everything," she said, her tone light but her expression weary, the light wind gently blowing the blonde baby curls framing her face.

The ones I suspected Beth had fallen in love with first.

We fell into a comfortable silence, both lost in our own thoughts. The rhythmic thud of the ball being kicked and the sharp whistles from the coach punctuated the air, a familiar symphony of our lives. Viv was right; patience was a virtue neither of us excelled at, especially when it came to our injuries.

I watched Leah expertly control the ball, her movements fluid and precise. She had this incredible way of making the game look effortless, her natural talent shining through with every touch. It made me proud and a bit envious, knowing I couldn't be out there with her just yet.

Suddenly, commotion coming from a few feet away took us out of our thoughts.

Yells erupted, making us both look up to the source of the noise, our eyes immediately widening at the sight.

Restraining by one of our assistant coaches and by Stina, Katie had a furious expression on her face, her cheeks flushed and eyes blazing with anger. The assistant coach and Stina were struggling to hold her back as she tried to lunge towards  Jonas, who stood a few yards away, his expression a mix of surprise and confusion.

Viv and I exchanged a glance, our brows furrowing in concern as we watched the scene unfold before us. Katie was known for her fiery temper, but this was on another level entirely.

Viv was already on her way over to them her eyes blazing with a protectiveness that mirrored my own. "Stay here," she ordered, her voice brokering no argument. She moved quickly but carefully, her own injury making her gait a bit stiffer than usual.

I obviously did not listen to her, and followed closely behind, my heart pounding with a mixture of worry and curiosity. As we approached the group, the tension in the air was palpable, thick with unspoken emotions and simmering resentment.

"Katie, calm down," Stina pleaded, her voice tinged with concern as she tried to restrain our fiery teammate. But Katie was having none of it, her eyes locked on Jonas with a ferocity that sent a chill down my spine.

One day I'll have it all. // WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now