Chapter Twenty 5

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Italy Harris.

I sadly fell asleep and Jace woke me up only to kiss me bye before he left for work, I guess my stress and strain on my body left me too exhausted to keep my eyes open. I drink my coffee feeling sluggish glancing at the clock dreading going back to that school and having to face Roman.

My tormenter and the dark cloud above my head but I have a good feeling that Keagan will find something and save me from this malice. It's nearly time to leave and I slip out my resignation letter needing to attempt to leave and I was going to try today.

It wouldn't hurt.

I gathered my bag and left the house locking the door behind me, I looked at the neighborhood with a smile witnessing the pretty sunrise. At least it's going to be a beautiful day with the blue sky. I will go to the office at lunch and turn in my letter and possibly end this mess, I sighed putting on my ray bans and starting the ignition heading off to school.


It wasn't long until lunch and I tilted my head upward at the kids as they remained quiet studying while I graded papers, they continued to work hard and I frowned having this moment ruined by Roman. I came to love this job the students were very welcoming and he shattered it all with this sick obsession.

I didn't want to leave and I didn't want to go to another school, I specifically chose this one because I went here when I was younger, and the feeling of nostalgia brought happy memories. My friends, the events, and the prom.  

My school life was pretty decent... I guess my second time being here isn't exactly a charm.

I finished my last paper and on cue, the bell rang for lunch all the students scattered and I stood grabbing my binder being left in an empty classroom - I did notice Mira holding her new camera as she was eager to become a photographer. 

On my way to the main office, I exited the classroom while holding my letter ready to present it to Mr Hunter as the halls were empty. I was hungry myself so I hurried my steps.

Suddenly I was abruptly blocked when I turned the corner by a body, dropping my letter in the process by none other than Roman who stared blankly down at me and my stomach churned becoming nervous around him.

So much for avoiding him, crap!

"Hello Lil bird" He greeted lowly, I could hear the evilness in his tone.

I ignored my racing heart and shaky hands "Roman, I don't have time for this"

I tried going around him but he snatched my bicep yanking me back and his grip was hard making me wince - Roman blocked me against the lockers.

"Where are you headed off to?" He asked and saw his eyes roaming my face features such as my eyes, lips, and chest. I grew uncomfortable avoiding his cold gaze with my timid ones.

"None of your business, Roman," I say with a hard tone showing him I have some sort of willpower but knowing I will fail. I attempted to push him away but Roman was a boulder I could not move.

He used his body to press me closer against the lockers and I gasped pushing his chest

"Roman, Enough!" I'm afraid someone will see

"I missed you, Lil Bird, and every time you try to separate us" He mocked "Let's see where you were heading, huh"

Roman bent down to pick up my letter, No!

Oh no, I saw his eyes scanning the letter then his face hardened and his frosty eyes turned to me and my stomach churned more bringing a shiver down my spine and goosebumps erecting. 

"You are always predicting lil bird and you think resigning will get rid of me? No matter where you go, Italy I will be there... I still need to punish you for tampering with my classes. What do you think? A picture or a video of you? I'd say the photo of you topless"

Roman pulled up his phone revealing a picture of myself and my heart plummeted as I quickly shook my head vastly reaching for his iPhone and he used his reflexes to pull back. 

Roman's face scowled pushing me against the lockers by my neck, I yelped alarmed I wasn't expecting it he took me by surprise and I held his wrist trembling harder.

Unexpectedly we heard a clamp down the hall to our right making us look and no one was there then Roman continued, he looked annoyed and angry.

"I dare you to cross me, Italy. One fucking move and I'll ruin you entirely do you understand me?" Roman said

He sounded serious and eerie and sadly I believed him

I nod meekly "Yes but please please don't send them, please"

Roman smirked "I love it when you beg and since you asked so nicely I'll keep them tucked away... for now"

He briefly went silent glancing both ways and cupping my face then began leaning in and I started to struggle

"No Roman, stop!" I pushed his shoulders and it was to no avail because he was stronger and Roman smashed his lips to mine using his body to push us against the lockers.

Moments later the bell rang forcing Roman to back away noticing his eyes roaming my body, I was flushed and my heart beating fratically.

"I'll see you soon, Lil bird... and you're not going anywhere" 

He tore my letter in half and then left down the hall as students started pouring into the halls including chatter and laughter. I'm here breathless and frowning quickly pulling myself together.

I return to the classroom closing the door behind me needing some sort of privacy before the next period starts and I want to scream or destroy the room from all the anger I'm desperate to release

I hated him! I hated Roman so much for making my life a nightmare and hope to hear from Keagan soon so he could end this once and for all.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 10 ⏰

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