Chapter Eleven

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The next morning, Italy leaves her cabin as the sun continues to rise.

It's six in the morning and students won't wake until another two hours and Italy wanted to have time on her own while thinking about the incident that happened a few hours ago.

Finished tieing her boots, Italy started to walk down the path that was made within the forest as benches and signs listing the sights each half a mile.

Italy reached the lake that she vividly remembers when she visited years ago as a teenager.

Her feet approached the lake as it calmly sat and twinkled in the rising sunlight, quiet, birds chirping,

Italy felt at peace and it was bliss as she inhales the fresh, oak air.

"Just when I need you most mom" Italy frowned while stepping closer to the water, enduring the silence.

"The view is beautiful... Isn't it?"

Italy instantly recognized his voice as she turned around slowly.

"Roman" Her body stood still

His tall frame wore jeans and a long sleeve shirt that was all black.

Italy can tell he works out and knows she can't overcome his built frame compared to her fragile one.

"Call me a stalker but I can't help but follow you out here or did you just do it deliberately so we could have alone time to ourselves... Which I'm not complaining" Roman spoke with an eerie tone as Italy feels nervous.

"I couldn't sleep either, your face won't erase from my mind ever since you came into the picture Italy" Roman continued, still walking forward and Italy couldn't believe her ears.

He's infatuated!

She thought with shock.

If Italy backed up anymore she would trip in the water and ruin her clothes and when Roman stood in front of her, Italy felt her nerves out of control.

She gulped as her eyes matched Roman's, the shock partly subsided and Italy finally spoke.

"You're expressing these feelings you have for me not in a healthy way Roman" Italy tried to reason with him but he refused to listen knowing he's heard it before,

Again... And again however in different words

Again and again.

So he cupped her face very quickly which made Italy gasp and startled and Roman noticed her very tense as he caresses her cheek with his two thumbs.

Italy shakes noticing his craze, soft gaze looking at her lips and she knew what he was thinking.

"Roman, stop" Italy pushed on his shoulders but Roman closed the gap between their faces and forced a kiss upon her.

Italy mewled attempting to break the kiss but Roman held tighter and tighter while Italy finally broke away, catching her breath but Roman snatched her arm again and brought her close.

Italy trembles feeling the pain within her right bicep as her breathing quickens hoping he wouldn't hurt her any further.

"Don't make this harder Italy, I know you feel something just like I do" Roman spoke and Italy still couldn't believe her ears.

"This is insane Roman! Can't you see? I'm only your teacher and that's all!...What you are feeling for me isn't-"

Roman growled and yanked her to his hard chest

"Healthy?! Right? Because I'm sick of hearing it! You're mine and that fiance of yours will know it too"

Roman seethed and crashed his lips to hers again, this time rougher and Italy fought against him but it was no avail.

Italy released tears when Roman threatened her with Jace and lost her battle during their craze session.

When Roman pulled away, he rests her forehead against hers

"Don't cry little bird, Until next time" Pecking her forehead and Roman left Italy's space including the area, 

Returning to his base leaving Italy by herself to comprehend what just happened and couldn't believe what she got herself into.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭'𝐬 𝐅𝐢𝐱𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧.Where stories live. Discover now