Chapter Four

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The next school day, Roman Haines leaves his bedroom while slipping on his black tee along with a blank expression, Entering the kitchen Roman finds his mother at a hasty pace, drinking her coffee.

"Good morning honey, I didn't have time to cook breakfast so you will have to buy food and your father is already left for work... Love you, bye" She blew kisses and left.

Roman rolled his eyes, approaching the fridge and taking an energy drink. In the past years,

Roman's parents always neglected him since he is the only child, mostly married to their jobs instead of each other however Roman decided not to care anymore, making his heart turn into coal.

Driving to school, All Roman could do is think about Italy, Her smell, alluring appearance, and voice, It's all he did all evening. The infatuation is real.

Arriving at school, Roman drove and parked where his friends are located and kept an eye out for her car that is nowhere to be seen.

Stepping out, Roman caught the eye of many girls that he chooses to ignore and joins his friends that are in the middle of a conversation.

"She's not!" Jake, Roman's friend exclaimed.

And the other chuckled "Yeah man, She's twenty-six and damn hot" He smirked.

Roman arched a brow staring at his two friends that seemed... Fixated on a certain woman

"I'll believe it, I have to get in that class" they laughed and Roman seemed to catch on to who they were talking about.

He wasn't happy about it. Roman rolled his eyes and suddenly he saw the car he's been looking for, even his friends nudged each other.

All eyes are fixated upon the silver Bentley as it parks in the faculty lot.

A minute later, Roman spots Italy stepping out of the vehicle, wearing skinny jeans, a t-shirt tucked in, and flats,

He admired how her long hair flows down and Roman is tempted to pull one day.


Italy enters the empty classroom putting down her bags knowing the students will arrive in a few minutes.

A sigh escaped her mouth forgetting her coffee at home, Italy hated the coffee at school too strong and bland.

Opening her laptop, Italy began to type.

Knock knock

The sudden guest startled Italy as she glances at the doorway spotting Roman holding two cups labeled, Starbucks

Italy leaned back "Roman, class doesn't start in another eight minutes" She checked her watch

He entered the room "I thought it would be friendly of me if I got you your favorite latte" Roman told placing down the drink on the desk.

Italy smiled very surprisedly

"That's very sweet of you Roman, Thank you" Italy accepts the kind gesture and very happy she has her drink.

Roman enjoyed their time together which is why he leaned against her desk very close even Italy noticed

"Mind if I joined you?" He asked

Italy took a sip and nodded her head knowing it wouldn't be too bad


They both took their sips as Italy is more surprised that he knows her favorite latte

But how? Italy thought.

His eyes wouldn't leave her lips as they were attached, he wanted to smell her sweet scent. He's falling.


They both get startled by the bell, Italy stood and cleared her throat as the silence between the two started to become awkward.

"Thank you once again Roman, The latte is delicious"

Roman finished and tossed his cup into the trash "No need teach, It's at least I can do of the way I acted"

Italy waved her hand "That's the past Roman... Now get to your seat" She kindly ordered as students started to pour in.

Roman smirked adjusting his backpack strap and heading to his desk.

Other female students greeted Italy with a warm welcome and took their seats.

Once everyone was settled, Italy spoke "Alright everyone here's the deal, Exams are soon and I want you to be fully prepared for you to pass this class, So I will be giving you tests and study hours throughout those weeks until it's time"

Italy informed making the whole class groan and cut her off "You all didn't let me finish" She started to pace

"And! if I see some improvement from you all I will throw in a sweetener" Italy added and her student raised her hand.

"Yes Mira" Italy pointed with her pencil

"A sweetener?" She spoke in confusion

Italy nodded "Yes, Study hard, improve your grades, and I will give you all a free period to do whatever the hell you want including go out to eat, and rest your eyes while I grade papers, starting now"

The class started to mumble, liking the idea and Roman sat back, couldn't take his eyes off Italy.

"So class... do we have a deal? raise your hands" Italy smirked

Suddenly every student in the whole class raised their hands with smiles.

Italy crossed her arms "That's more like it and it will have to be our little secret and knowing you teenagers like keeping secrets"

The class seemed eager and ready to learn.

"Alright let's begin" Italy finally started to teach.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭'𝐬 𝐅𝐢𝐱𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧.Where stories live. Discover now