Chapter Two-A Celebrity Arrives

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Chapter Two-A Celebrity Arrives

My eyes fluttered open and to my shock, I awoke on the sofa with my blanket gently spread across me. At first I thought I had dreamed the entire night, that nothing really happened. I was proven wrong when I saw a note sticking out of my journal. 


You will need this while you're at Hogwarts.

Do not forget, you do belong here, and you do belong there.



I smile before folding the note back up and sliding it behind the front cover. I looked over to Hermione's bed to see it completely empty. It was made to perfection, as if no one had ever slept in it before. I stretched before heading to my suitcase. I pull out a pair of black jeans and a simple white top. I slip on a pair of random black sneakers after changing and stalk downstairs. I could sense a roar of excitement from my sister and her friend, yet my view was blocked until I was completely on the first floor. They were hugging and talking to their famous friend, Harry Potter. My steps faltered and I considered retreating back into my room. 

I was quite shy around Harry. I had never held a real conversation with him. I normally found some excuse to leave. I wasn't sure how he would treat me to due to the house I was placed in. I was very ashamed of how the other members treated and tormented him. Sometimes I wondered my placing, I would never treat anyone like that. 

Ron had noticed my appearance first. He gave me a shy smile and wave of acknowledgement, which caused Hermione to look over to me. She did nothing. Instead, she continued to listen to what Harry was saying and pretend I didn't exist. Ron frowned at her actions and signaled me over. I tried my best to think of an escape route. I was used to the treatment from Hermione. She normally avoided me and any mention of me at school, but it did hurt to see she did the same with her closest friends. Before I could make an excuse of going to the bathroom, Harry turned around and noticed me. I walked over and stood by a slightly annoyed Hermione.

"Hello, Elora, how has your summer been?" he asked as he hugged me as if I was an old friend.

"It's been alright, I suppose, a nice break from the school," I answered truthfully. Sometimes I truly did resent Hogwarts.

"Anyways, what is this place?" he asked the small group of us.

"12 Grimmauld Place is where the Order of the Phoenix meets," Hermione explained.

"Dumbeldore was the one who found it," Ron added.

"There's someone who would like to see you," Hermione acknowledged and motioned to another hallway. Lupin was standing in the doorway and Sirius was in front of him. Sirius welcomed Harry with a warm hug, as if he was afraid to lose him, and a big grin spread across Harry's face like butter. 

I finally left the ongoing group conversation, slipping out so my actions would be unnoticed. I felt out of place, as if I was hearing something they probably didn't want me to know. I headed into the kitchen, aiming to rid myself of a growling stomach. After sifting through the mess, I found a cereal and poured myself a bowl. I walked into the dining room where Fred and George were fooling around with some sort of treat. 

"Good morning!" George cheered when I sat across from there.

"Morning," I mumble back. My elbows relax on the table as I rest my head on the palm of my hand. 

"That bowl of cereal looks terribly plain, would you like to have some of this?" Fred offered as if he was offering me something as delicious as a cupcake. I stared at my cereal then at the treat in a reciprocal manner before deciding.

"No thank you, I actually enjoy cereal," I decline his offer, "What is that?" 

"It's a Puking Pastille," Fred explained.

"Created by yours truly," George gestured to him and his identical brother.

"Puking Pastille?" I repeat in confusion.

"If you eat it," George starts.

"You throw up seconds afterward!" Fred finishes.

"Why would anyone want to eat that?" I say, completely baffled.

"It's designed for students," Fred explains.

"It helps them get out of practically anything," George adds and I give a hum of understanding.

"You could make a lot of good money off of that," I tell them, "if you have more inventions like that, you could make an entire store out of it."

"My word, George! She's right!" Fred practically shouts.

"About the selling? That was the plan all along, Fred," George reminds him.

"No, you nitwit! About the store! Could you imagine? A store selling all of our pranks!" Fred says in awe. I smile to myself, the conversation went better than I could ever imagine. It was amazing. Fred and George continue to brainstorm ideas for a possible store they decided would be on Diagon Alley when I decided to clean my now empty cereal bowl. I dance up the stairs to my room, reminding myself to look at my schedule for the school year. The first of September was dangerously close, and I still needed items to "enhance" my learning experience. I grab the list and return to the dining room.

"I need to make a trip to Diagon Alley, would you two like to join me?" I bravely offer. I'm prepared for them to say no. Two older Gryffindor boys to be seen with a Slytherin girl in the year under them? The horror. Fred and George looked at each other with two completely different expressions on their face.

"Come on, George! We can look for new locations for our shop!" Fred urged.

"Fine, fine, let's get some galleons then. We should get more ingredients for our next product," George caves in. We let the people who care where we're going. Hermione is reluctant until she learns the twins will be by my side. Somehow that is a little bit more comforting for her. 

"Where are you going now?" Sirius asks as I retrieve some galleons for myself.

"Diagon Alley. I need school supplies," I inform him.

"Be safe," he warns, "things are changing in the wizard world."

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