1. The party

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Hi'ya! This is my first chapter of Trouble a fan fiction with Jason McCann. The story is an inspiration I got while watching the music video As Long As You Love Me by Justin Bieber. I really hope you all would like this story and yeah... ENJOY!


Jason’s POV;

I saw my boss coming in the gates of the great villa I had in a place where nobody actually lived. I had this place as I hiding place and quite weird that nobody found me. Stupid police, CSI and FBI.

“Jason”, he said nodding his head.

“Fernando”, I said coldly.

“Stop being so cold Jason. Let’s talk business”, he said strict. I knew he had the power to kill me right at this spot I was standing at, but he would never do that. I was his strength, his best worker ever.

“Fine, what’s my mission”, I asked taking my hands in my pocket, feeling the iPhone I had.

“You need to kidnap a girl for me”, he said straight away. You see, the works I did was even killing, kidnapping, bombing or just anything Fernando wanted me to do. I was great at making bombs.

“Which girl?”. His gaze dug in on me, watching every move I was making.

“One with brown soft hair, brown eyes, very fit, beautiful… Yeah, you know. The typical thing, just a brunette this time”, he said smirking. I nodded my head. He always wanted the blonde girls. Don’t ask me why he wants a brunette.

“And bring her to me within two weeks. Sunday in two weeks, have her at my house around five o’clock”, he said taking his sunglasses off. “Promise me that?”.

“Yes Fernando. You know I never would let you down”, I said just thinking about food. Man, I was really hungry.

“Great and you know what happens if she’s not there”, he said, taking on his sunglasses before the gate opened again.

“Yes, I’ll see you in two weeks at Sunday”, I said annoyed. I was used to hearing things just once. He didn’t need to tell me this every single damn time. I saw Fernando walking out again, getting in a car with my brother Alex who was just disgusting. I slowly began to turn away, thinking when I should kidnap the girl he wanted. The thing with kidnapping is that you can’t do it right before the day he wants her. You need to do it one week before at least. The police will search for the girl if she’s worthy enough and after some weeks they’ll end up calling the girl dead about two weeks or one month.

I walked into the house seeing Dylan and Derek fighting again over something stupid as always. They were twins and on my team. My team had five people including me. We had Dylan, Derek, Bruce, James and me.

“Guys, seriously stop it”, I groaned to Derek and Dylan. They both stopped, gazing on me.

“Jason, we’re twins. We fight”, Derek told me. I nodded my head groaning.

“Just be quiet”, I hissed to them. They both nodded as Dylan held Derek’s phone. They were quite the same looking. I just shook the feeling of me, going in to the kitchen where Bruce stood making taco.

“Dude, the boys and I need to go out tomorrow doing a mission that Tyler gave us. Care to join”, he asked. I shook my head, grabbing an apple.

“Sorry dude just got a mission from Fernando which I am going to kidnap a girl. I’ll think I’ll do it tomorrow, since many girls goes on parties Saturday nights”, I explained, taking a bite of the apple.

Trouble - Fan fiction Jason MccannWhere stories live. Discover now