12. Fallen for her hard.

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Dylan’s POV:

Bruce came storming in our hiding place at the moment with Jason in his arms, looking so worried and terrified. No Jessica came after them and I suddenly felt the urge to worry a bit more. Jason was bleeding and totally beaten up. Shit, this didn’t go as well as we thought it would.

“Jason lost Jessica and was beaten up by Fernando. Our mission now is to treat Jason and find Jessica. Call everyone we know who has a favour to us right now”, Bruce said and none of us was slow to get our asses up to call or help Jason. James and Derek got their phones up as I ran over to Bruce to help him with Jason.

Bruce ran around finding whatever to stop the bleeding as I took a look at Jason. He had passed out from losing so much blood. I only stood there watching him, praying that he would be okay. Even if Jason was too hard on us sometimes, none of us wanted to lose him. We were a gang, and we would always be a gang together.

Bruce and I took care of Jason until he woke up, feeling the pain struggle through him. All the blood was stopped and we had been washing him off all the blood, so he was as good as new… Well not really. He was totally broken inside of his body, with bruises everywhere and he could only speak about one thing. Jessica.

It was actually tearing my heart into pieces knowing Jason cared so much about Jessica. He had fallen hard for her. He never cared about anyone else like this.

“What do we k-know so far”, Jason spat out trying to hide his pain. Bruce looked away from Jason, assuring him we actually hadn’t found anything yet. James and Derek had gathered all the people from every single state that we had worked together with only to rescue dear Jessica. Everyone had understood when it was Jason who asked for it.

Suddenly James phone started beeping and he quickly answered it. He talked very quiet, but then a smile came to his face and he put down the phone.

“They know where she is”.

Jessica’s POV;

I sat between Alex and some dude named Carl in the middle of the car. I still focused on Fernando’s broken knuckles staring at them, thinking of Jason. I still didn’t understand why they wanted me back. They could just find another girl to rape and kill afterwards. Actually I didn’t give a damn about what they did to me, only that I would die without pain or escape without them touching me.

“What do you guys think about monsters”, I heard myself asking them out loud. They all stared at me dumb folded.

“Excuse me”, Alex asked. I smiled thinking about when Jason kidnapped me, when I get on talking about monsters. I kept on talking a lot before, but these last weeks I didn’t. I was too afraid I guess.

“Monsters. What do you guys think about monsters”, I asked.

“Monsters is not real dear”, Carl answered.  I grinned.

“Of course they are”. They were the monsters and I actually hoped that they understood. Maybe they would see how much of some assholes they were.

“Did you hit her head or something, boss”, Alex shouted to Fernando who was staring out the window. He didn’t even look our way or answer. He just shook his head, wondering about something.

It went many hours before they stopped finally near a hotel. We were right in a town, I had no freaking idea where though.

“Come on, no screaming, nothing, alright”, Alex said strict.   I just nodded my head quickly. Maybe this was the perfect escape plan for me? Was I still wanted for the whole population that people would actually recognize me?  


Okay, I'm so sorry! I suck at being an good writer for you guys and publishing these for you. Seriously I will get better at this! Sorry for a short chapter..... >.< 

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