24. Goodbye is not forever.

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First of all, I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and here's to the new year, 2015! Hope you all celebrate it the way you want to, and enjoy the beginning of the new year. 

Second of all, this is the last chapter of the story Trouble. It has been a pleasure writing it, and now I'm going to correct every single spelling mistake and add some more to the story if I feel like it. I hope you all, amazing people that you found the story worth reading and also thanks for joining me on this path. 

Thank you all very much for reading this story! 

Happy reading~~


I stood there frozen, not able to move a muscle. I should have not said that. I was risking my life with saying stupid things. Alex stood with his arm crossed smirking to me, as I stood there showing no expression on my face.

“Any last words before you’re no longer present here”, Fernando spoke up with a huge smirk on his face. I shook my head, looking away from him. I wasn’t ready for this, but my last word would be “not my fault you can’t keep your promises”. Jane Austen’s last words were “Nothing but death”. How sad is that? She knew it, and I certainly know it as well myself. Hunter Thompson’s last words were “Relax – this won’t hurt”. Would this actually hurt? It would be different if I died without any pain from the gunshot, but probably if he shot me in the head I won’t feel any pain. I held Fernando’s gaze as he looked me right in the eyes.

“No fear? Darling, you’re so brave”. I closed my eyes, waiting for him to fire his gun at me.

Jason’s POV:

I walked in the school grounds of Jessica’s school, with Dylan, Derek and James behind me. We had bought tux suits for the prom, but of course none of us had said anything to Jessica. We had changed our looks a bit; not much, just enough for not everyone at Jessica’s school to recognise us.  We had guns in our back pockets just in case something would happen. I felt like the two guys from “21 Jump Street”, which was reminding me of James Bond, or a secret agent. We were heading towards the door when we heard someone shout “you fucked it up with my best clients”. I stopped in my tracks, holding up my hand to show the rest of the boys to pay attention.

“Not my fault you can’t keep your promises”. A girl squeaked back to the guy who had said the first thing.  I waited some seconds, before I decided that we needed to check it out. We heard someone loading a gun and I panicked. The first person who came in my mind was Jessica.

“Any last words before you’re no longer present here”. The voice was speaking softly, but still harsh and I somehow knew that voice. Dylan, Derek and James kept close to me, as we pulled out our guns. We walked towards where the sounds came from and decided to pull in whatever was around the corner.

“No fear? Darling, you’re so brave”. The same voice was there again, and I hurried more towards the sound, then I ever have done. I came around the corner and the first sight I had was Alex. I turned my head more, noticing Fernando’s workers, Carl and Lander, and Fernando himself pointing a gun at someone. I followed with my gaze the tip of his gun towards he was pointing. Jessica stood there, closing her eyes. It was like she was waiting for it, and prepared for getting killed right there. I ran towards Fernando and shoved him from his place. He fired a shot, and I hoped it didn’t hit Jessica. I began hitting him, as Dylan, Derek and James were firing shots towards Alex, Carl and Lander.  I couldn’t even see Jessica, because I was too focused to beat the crap out of Fernando. I was so angry, that I just kept on hitting him over and over again. My body was aching from hitting him already, but all the anger I had inside, somehow wanted to come out on him. That’s not weird at all either.

I was so angry at him for taking Alex and for bringing us into this from the start. We could have been a normal family, the one who lived happily ever after. But of course, that wasn’t our destiny. I stopped hitting Fernando and looked over to where Jessica once stood. She was lying on the ground, but I couldn’t notice if she had been hit or not. I looked at Fernando again, who was lying unconscious on the ground. I clenched my lips together, taking the chance to run over to her no matter what.

I bent down to her body to feel her breathe. She opened up her eyes and smiled to me.

“I’m alright handsome”, she said, grinning. I looked over her body, and no scratches nor was blood on her. She was just pretending that smart little girl.

“The greatest of them all”, I replied to her as Dylan, Derek and James kept on shooting against Alex, Carl and Lander. I tugged her up from the ground, and we ran off away from the others. Yeah, that was pretty shitty move of me to make, but I wouldn’t actually let Jessica be hurt or wounded. We hide behind a corner, me pushing Jessica into the wall as I had my arms over her shoulders. She was breathing heavily and looked exhausted.

“Why did you close your eyes?”. She looked me in the eyes, biting her lip. She frowned as she was thinking about it.  

“I thought it all was over. It wouldn’t help running”, she said silent. I nodded my head understanding. She was right though, if she moved, Fernando would have just shot her before saying anything.

“We need to get going before the cops shows up as well”, I told her.

“What about the rest of the boys?”. Oh shit, I needed to get them and get away from here quickly.

“Wait here”, I said as I ran back towards them. The sounds of shooting weren’t there anymore and I looked around the corner. Derek, Dylan and James stood there watching Fernando as he was lying on the ground, and the cops were here already. It was our time to give us in for the police. I looked behind me as Jessica was holding on tightly to me. I walked forward as the boys turned their heads towards me. They made hand gestures to me, explaining I should run away when I had the chance, but this wasn’t what I wanted. My future was already looking pretty shitty, except for having Jessica by my side. And I hoped that would be forever, even if I haven’t known her for that long.

Jessica’s POV:

Jason was walking towards the police as Derek, Dylan and James made hand gestures for him to run away. But he didn’t want to. He was ready to face the life in prison, because all of the missions were over for him. His life had ended nearly here. Fernando was pushed up against the police car, as Alex, Carl and Lander was already in a car. Derek, Dylan and James stood in a line with hand cops on, looking at us. I took Jason’s hand as he was walking towards them. The police took up their guns pointing them as Jason, but let them sink down when they saw me. Jason pulled out his gun and let it fall to the ground.

“It’s over now”, he said to me, smiling. I couldn’t read if the smile was fake or not. I turned him around to me, looking him in the eyes.

“Don’t leave me alone”, I said to him. I was being naïve and selfish, but I wanted him to stay a little longer. I hadn’t known Jason for long, but I knew there was something way more special about him, than being the most wanted boy in America.

“This is my punishment for all these years. The punishment is not going to prison, just not meeting you the time I’m there. Hopefully you can visit me sometimes, but I would love it to wake up next to you, always know that you are safe and have someone supporting me no matter what. You have shown me everything good in life”. He smiled at the end of his sentence, gave me a little, but passionate kiss before letting go.

“I do, and always will love, my Jessica Olivia Treasure even if it sounds pretty crazy”. I let out a little chuckle as he said it. My voice was nearly cracking up, because I really didn’t want to cry as he walked away from me. He walked towards the cops as they made him surrender. This was the last time ever; Jason McCann would cause trouble for the whole of United States of America. 



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