20. Going home, Jess?

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My feet were hurting, my body was shaking, and I was terrified. I heard people screaming, shouting, shots being fired, and the emptiness of the stairs as I ran downwards.

“Derek, Dylan?”. My voice was trembling and I was hoping for an answer. No one of them replied. I stopped running down the stairs to catch my breath and to calm down. I leaned against the railing, confused about everything for one single moment. What have I done? What have I agreed to? I wanted to go home, right away. I wanted to get out from this place, and I wouldn’t be one of the criminals.

I took one more deep breathe before taking my shoes off and ran down the rest of the stairs. I opened the door from the stairs turning outwards to the street and then decided I would run as far as I could get, no matter what. As I began to run, holding my shoes in my hand, I thought it would be great to get home after such a long time. It felt like years, even if it only had been one month. I had lost a lot of time at school and I was always the one who did great. I bet my best friend Alison missed me, and what about Austin? He asked me to prom and what did I do? I was kidnapped by Jason trying to do his mission. I had worked so hard for the prom and I didn’t even get to participate in it. School was soon over anyways, and I was here. Stupid me.

No one of the boys could track me down at the moment, they were in danger, and so was I. I heard the sirens of the police in the streets and I was still running. I decided to turn into a little street, so the police wouldn’t stop a young girl just running for her life. I stopped into the wall, and took a deep breathe.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

I hadn’t heard from them on two days. What had happened at that time? I reported myself in to the police station the other day in the evening and currently the police was driving me back home. I was nervous to meet my family and friend again, and I was afraid that I had taken the wrong decision.

“We’re here now”, the police officer said from the front seat. I shifted a bit uncomfortable in the back seat, taking a glance at my house. It looked so peaceful. The street was quiet, too quiet.

“Thank you, I can take care of the rest myself”, I said politely.

“Well, we can follow you to the door to deliver you over to your parents”.

“No thank you, I need to do this without you”. I opened the door, unbuckled my seatbelt and stepped out from the police car. I closed the car door behind, however my feet were stuck into the ground. I didn’t want to move nor could I. Had I done the wrong choice? I wanted to sleep in my bed, see my parents again and of course my friends, but probably I would miss the guys.

I finally got to take some steps to my house, until I came to the door. I was about to open it up, when my mother flung the door open.

“JESSICA”, she yelled, throwing her arms around my body. She was crying and I had no words. I had let my mother go through the pain, thinking that she lost her only child.

“Hey mom”, I replied, hugging her back.

“Roger, come outside here”. I smiled a bit, and saw my dad coming running towards me. He grinned at the sight of me, opening his arms. We were like a happy little family again. I had been gone for one month, but it felt like years already.

“I have missed you both”, I said as a tear fell down my cheek.

“We have missed you too baby girl”, my dad said. Nobody said something; we were just standing there, accepting the silence, hugging each other.

. . . . . . . . . . .

It had gone by a week; I was back with my friends and back at school. School was over in two weeks, but the funny thing, they were throwing the prom now. They didn’t have it after the breaking news about me being kidnapped. Lucky me!

Many people that I never had met before always came over to me asking me how it was about being kidnapped. Alison always helped me to get away from those questions. It was weird, since everyone knew who I was, but I didn’t know them.

“Hey Jessica! Can’t you tell us how it was out there all scared and alone?”. I looked over at the side, this big jerk from the school was standing in front of all his cool boys smirking to me.

“For your information, I have no clue who you are and also forget it. I don’t want to talk about it”, I replied harsh as the boys behind went all “oooooo”. I didn’t care at all. I just waved him off and continued walking down the corridor. I was tired of getting all the attention. Of course I knew most of the people at school here, but they always looked at me as the “talking way too much Jess”. I kind of missed it, but I also liked that I never rambled on either. Everything was back to normal again. Nearly.

Finally as the bell rang I got my books in a hurry, wanting just to get home and study for a test I was having the next day. I needed to take the tests I hadn’t been there on, so I had a lot of extra work to do. My mother wanted me to go to a psychologist because of all the kidnapping, but I didn’t want to. I didn’t have that problem. I was fine, but I missed the boys. Was that wrong of me? Missing the boys that kidnapped me? Actually Jason was the one kidnapping me. I missed him a lot. Ugh.

I walked out the school doors, thinking about it. What if I still was with them? What happened to them all? I wanted to know. But then I saw four faces I recognized at once; Dylan, Derek, James, and Jason. 


Wow.. Okay, so one chapter each week forward until I'm done with the story! And this story is soon done...

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