6. My past

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LIKE THE NEW COVER PICTURE? :D It's by @Disturbation! Like it? I thought it fitted this chapter and the story more now... HEHHEHE!



The next day I sat there and deleted Rachel’s number from my phone. I didn’t need her anymore, nor heck did I want her. I wanted someone else.

The guys and I had been preparing this day for Jessica. We had invited some people over to our house, as in our friends. Yes, of course we had friends. We told everyone we were having a prom and everyone wanted to come. I was taking out Jessica near the waterfall to our house as the guys would make the house look gorgeous. Then afterwards when Jessica and I would get home, I would take her up to her room where a beautiful prom dress would be laid over her bed, together with some makeup and other tools for her. Heck did I know what girl used; James was the one who was taking care of that.

Bruce had made waffles for breakfast as Jessica came in the kitchen and grinned towards the waffles that were on the table.

“Waffles”, she grinned as she took a seat next to James and Derek.

“Good that you like waffles”, Bruce said as he smiled. They all took one waffle each and began to eat. I just sat there watching the girl in front of me on the other side of the table. Why Jason? I promised myself to not get affected by her, but now it was too late.

We ate while talking about our lives each one by one. I didn’t say anything, just kept away from the conversation. None of the guys knew about my past and nobody would ever hear it.

“Jess, I’m taking you out afterwards”, I suddenly said while Derek told her something. She turned her attention to me and smiled.

“Ok, to where?”. I smirked by her curiosity.

“That’s a surprise”, I said making her chuckle. She nodded her head as the conversations kept on going between her and Derek. Bruce gave me a little nudge as he smirked to me.

“It’s too late to turn away now”, Bruce whispered to me, making me frown.

“What do you mean”, I asked him whispering.

“You like her”. His smirk got bigger as I was surprised of what he said.

“Excuse me? No, of course not”, I protested. He knew I was taking her out to the waterfall, but why would he say this now?

“I can see it the way you look at her. You never have looked at a girl that way”. I looked up at Jessica as she laughed. It made me smile, but I shook my head. I couldn’t. I didn’t want to. She was my mission. I couldn’t fall in love with someone. I stood up grabbing my plate and lay it in the sink.

“We’ll leave in five minutes”, I said to Jessica, walking out from the kitchen. I needed to get rid of these feelings against her.

“Is he always so bossy”, I heard Jessica’s voice ask the boys.

“Sometimes… He is the boss of the group”, James voice answered.

“Oh, well he is the youngest one. I thought Bruce would be the boss or something”, Jessica explained to them.

“Jason has lived being a criminal since forever nearly. He knows all the tricks, plans, every dealer, everything”, Derek said.

“Oh, ok. I should get ready then maybe. Don’t want to be late for the boss”, she said making the other ones chuckle. I hurried up to my room, grabbing a hoodie to have on. I sat on the bed for two minutes before walking out and down the stairs. Jessica stood there already with a hoodie on, a jacket, and some shoes she probably found in the closet.

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