Chapter 3:Hanging Out

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You woke up and felt something next to you,in curiousity you turned around and saw a peacefully sleeping Rogue.A peacefully sleeping shirtless Rogue,perfect.You watched him sleep,his hair looking perfect and fabulous,as usual.You watched him sleep,playing with his hair every now and then.

"Stop...i'm trying to sleep"Rogue groaned turning over.

"Sorry"you muttered getting out of bed.

When your legs hit the floor Rogue's arms wrapped around you and he pulled you back to the bed,You tried to get out of his arms but since he was more muscular than you,you coudn't even make him move an inch.

"I'm hungry...let me go!"you whined.

"No"he sternly said making your growl.

"What are you doing in my bed in the first place?"you snapped.

"I was watching you sleep,eventually I accidentally fell asleep on your bed"he responded.

"Yeah,accidentally"you said rolling your eyes.

"You don't believe me?"he asked in disbelief.

"Nobody just accidentally sleeps shirtless"you growled.

"And noboby just says their lovers name in their sleep"he said.

"What are you talking about?"you asked irritatedly.

"I heard you"he began before mocking your voice."Don't leave me Rogue...I love you and you only...I wanna be wi-"before he could continue you placed a hand over his mouth.

"Shut up"you warned."And let go of me"

He pouted and let go of you,you hopped off of bed and left Rogue feeling a bit annoyed.You had no idea he could be this annoying,he was getting more annoying than Sting.And trust me,there was nobody more annoying than Sting.That bastard always knew what to say to piss you off and it he always bugs anyone whenever he got the chance.

You walked over to Sabertooth with Rogue and when you got there you had completely cooled off from that little fiasco in the morning.When you got in you walked over to the request board and watched the jobs there,they were too easy.Rogue walked up to you and patted your head.

"What'cha doing?"he asked.

"Trying to find a job"you muttered.

"Can I come?"he asked,patting your head again.

"No,I have a feeling your just going to annoy me again"you said not taking your eyes off the request board.

You finally found a good one that seemed fun,you got the paper and mentally read it.

'A group of wild animals are harassing villagers?Huh,got good pay too'you thought.

You left Sabertooth leaving Rogue behind,you walked to the town which wasn't that far from here.When you arrived you had a ton of fun riding the wild animal's backs like they were horses.After screwing around you finally got the job done and you walked home,when you got home you washed yourself and changed your clothes.You looked at the time and saw it was still early,you decided to go to Sabertooth since you had nothing better to do.

When you entered Sabertooth,Master was nowhere (Thank God for that!) and the moment you walked into the guild hall everyone was super quiet and this creeped you out alot.You looked around nervously and everyone's had their heads lowered.What was going on?Sting sighed and walked up to you,looking away.He placed his hand on your shoulder and he looked afraid to meet your gaze.

"What's going on?"you asked.

"S-something...h-happened"Sting muttered.

After he said that a feeling of dread surged throughout your entire body,scenarios entered your mind and you shook away the bad thoughts running through your brain.

"W-what?"you asked nervously.


"Talk dammit!"you shouted placing both of your hands on either of Sting's shoulders shaking him back and forth.

"What happened!?"you shouted,feeling worried.

"I-it''s about Rogue"he muttered,tears forming.

'What happened to Rogue?Is it that bad?'you thought.

"W-what happened to Rogue?"you asked worriedly.

"He...he's..."he basically whispered.

"Tell me what happened to Rogue!"you shouted at the top of your lungs.

"He went on a mission after you left..."Sting began.

"Stop the important details and cut to the chase!"you snapped.

"There was an accident...and Rogue...he died"


You blacked out before anything else was said...



Okay,before you hunt me down and strangle me to death,hear me out.I'm planning something so be patient and please don't try to hunt me down and kill me or else you'll never know how this ends.Also,be logical.Do you think I would kill Rogue?Especially this early in the book?This is a Rogue x Reader for Mavis' sake,sooo it would be nothing without Rogue.Soooo,I hope this changed your mind about wringing my neck and then drowning me in a pool of lava :3...

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