Chapter 25:Avatar's E.N.D (Pun Intended XD)

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It had been a few days ever since you met Zeref and rightnow you were currently in your room,covered in the blankets not bothering to get up or get out of bed for that matter.That was until...

"Hey,Y/N?Have you heard?"you hear Rogue ask.

You bolted up to find him leaning against the doorway,his arms crossed.Right weren't wearing every piece of clothing but you WEREN'T naked.You covered your body with the blankets and looked at Rogue,who was currently looking away from you and your -kinda- undressed state.

"How did you get in here?"you asked.

"I just walked in,I thought you were already awake so I didn't really think that you would be here only in your underwear,"he responded,genuinely.

You sighed and lied down in bed again muttering something incoherent before you got out of bed and put some clothes on.

"So what were you gonna say before you had discovered me in my underwear?"you questioned while putting on a shirt.

"Well,before I was so rudely interrupted by you and your underwear,"he mocked."I was going to ask if you heard the news about Fairy Tail."

"What news?"you replied as you fixed your hair,which was pretty messed up.

"That they disbanded-"before he could say more you had -rudely,as Rogue might add- interrupted him -again,as Rogue might add...again-.

"What!?They disbanded!?"your jaw dropped and you looked at him in disbeliefhe simply nodded.

"Yeah,the news spread like wildfire...everybody's talking about it,"as the two of you talked,you were wslking around and your outburst moments ago caused a few people to give you questioning looks.

"But why?","It was such an awesome guild..."you pouted,"They were more awesome than us..."you weren't afraid to admit it,although being a Sabertooth wizard you had always admired Fairy Tail.

They were such a nice guild.Nice guild master,nice guild members,hell!Even a pretty decent guild hall.And their way of running things was different too,they treated each and every one of their members as their own kin.Even if they had made mistakes in the past,they would live on and fight with everything they've got.Fairy Tail was one of the best guilds...

So why disband?

"I don't know myself,but each of the members seemed okay with it.They all went on their own seperate ways,"Rogue responded.

"Hey Rogue...have you ever heard of Albareth/Alvarez?(A/N:Srsly,how do you spell it?Albareth?Or Alvarez?)"you questioned facing him.

"No.","Why?"he asked,his eyebrow raised.

"The word just popped into my mind..."you lied,smiling.

I still can't believe Zeref and Natsu were my brothers...and the fact i'm one of Zeref's strongest etherious,along with E.N.D...

You had drifted off into your own thoughts about all of this Zeref and etherious crap and Rogue seemed to have noticed,because he didn't bother you anymore after that.

Alot is happening lately...first I find out i'm actually a I find out Zeref and Natsu are my brothers...and now Fairy Tail disbanded...

What next?...

>>1 year later<<(A/N:I know,I know...i'm a lazyass,but my mind is blank right now...seriously...)

Rogue had just left on a job with Minerva and you stayed back at Sabertooth watching Frosch just to make sure he woudn't get lost again.You were just watching Frosch walk around when all of a sudden you had dozed off...

>>A few minutes later<<

You had woken up to the feeling of someone shaking your shoulders back and forth and your name being repeated over and over again.

"Y/N!Wake up!"Rogue barked.

You opened your eyes to see Rogue and -a much better looking,you and Rogue might add- Sting next to him.You yawned and got up before you looked at the two males in front of you.

"What?"you asked.

"Natsu stole the Avatar job from Rogue and now he and his friends are going to do it for him,"Sting responded.

"What!?Since when did Natsu get here!?"you exclaimed.

"He dropped by a few minutes ago,I guess you were still asleep...anyway,me and Sting are gonna head over to the town just to make sure nothing bad's gonna happen...and well,I kinda want you to come with me,"Rogue said sheepishly.


>>Yet Another Time Skip,(A/N:I am such a lazyass...and a procrastinator...)<<

You had arrived at the town to find it in ruins and all of Avatar defeated,just like that...What could you expect?This is Natsu we're talking about after all.Sting sighed in relief and Rogue didn't say anything.

"Guess we got all worried for nothing..."Sting murmured.

"This is Natsu we're talking about...not to mention Lucy,Erza,and Gray too."you added.

"Still though..."Rogue began looking at Fairy Tail who were cheering over their victory."To defeat such a massive army,quite an impressive feat."

"I agree with Rogue-kun..."Lector chirped."Right,Fro...","Frosch!?"

"What!?Frosch is gone!?"you and Sting exclaimed in unison.

"FROSCH!!!"Rogue yelled.

We all turned to see Frosch down there where Fairy Tail was in the blink of an eye.How did he get there so fast!?Then,Gray walked up to Frosch and talked with him before hugging him in an adorable way.You saw Rogue tense up and you looked at Sting before the two of you shrugged.

"He's stealing Frosch!"Rogue barked.

"Nah,he's just showing him how much all of Fairy Tail loves him,"Sting joked making you giggle in response.

"C'mon let's just go say hi already."you placed a hand on his shoulder and he grunted before nodding.




Sorry it seems a bit shorter than usual,I just didn't have it in me today...y'know?


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