Chapter 32:Act

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Imma apologize in advance for the fact this chapter is VERY short. Anyway, I wanna ask, is it cool if I put this story on hold,  for just a little bit?


I'm catching up with the manga and the best thing to do is wait for it to be a bit ahead.

So, that's like a month?


Basta, imma put it on hold.

Hala, I put Cebuano words XD.

Basta, story on hold.




For a second, you felt nothing.

Then, the full force of the pain and weakness hit you. Your head was pounding and you felt exhausted. Once you finally opened your eyes you found yourself in a bed, Zeref sitting at the very edge.

"Zeref?"you questioned.

He faced you, and upon knowing that you were finally awake, he smiled, "Your awake."

"How long was I out?"you asked.

"A few hours,"he answered,"Listen, Y/N, i'm sorry for what I did... I didn't mean to, I didn't know what I was doing."

"So, that kiss was real?"you asked.


"It's fine, I didn't know what I was doing either,"you smiled at him.

Suddenly, somebody walked into the room, you believed his name was Inbel. The guy you met from before when you were taken to Albareth.

"Your majesty, it's time. We've begun,"he said.

"Get some clothes for Y/N,"Zeref ordered.

"What? Why?"you questioned.

"We're going with them, to Ishgar, I mean,"he said.

Inbel nodded and immediately left to get what Zeref wanted. When he returned with the clothes the males left the room so you could change in private. Once you were done, you obediently followed Zeref to Ishgar like some loyal dog.

You were calmly walking alongside Zeref and Inbel when you noticed something flying around in the sky, you immediately recognized it as Natsu. He begun wreaking Havoc amongst the army with his higly destructive magic and that got Zeref's attention.

"Y/N, let's go,"Zeref murmured.


Zeref teleported the both of you to where Natsu was having his fun,"973. You eliminated 973 soldiers, 999,027 remain."

"I thought it would take more than that to get you to come out and play,"he admitted.

"I couldn't resist. I wanted to see you as soon as I could...


He begun tugging on the bandages around his wrist,"I hate to break up our warm and fuzzy reunion...but this is goodbye, Zeref."

"I'm not the only one who decided to come out,"Zeref said.

"What?"Natsu answered.

You walked out from behind Zeref,"Hello, Natsu."

"Y/N?"he questioned,"Your on his side?"

"Actually, no,"you glanced at Zeref just to make sure he wasn't gonna try anything funny.

He wasn't.

"Sorry, Zeref, i'm not gonna go on the side whose being led by somebody who wants death and destruction."

You walked towards Natsu, expecting Zeref to call you a traitor or something.

But he didn't.

"I suspected this, that behavior you showed was not what I expected,"he admitted.

"I had a feeling I couldn't fool you with just that,"you muttered.

"Was that why you kissed me?"he asked.

"Yeah, I would never turn my back on Rogue. I love him too much to do such a thing,"you said.

"Suppose this is goodbye...


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