Chapter 19:The Twin Dragons vs. the King of Hades

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Out of nowhere,Rogue tackled you into a massive bear hug.You hugged him back,waiting for him to break the hug.When he finally did he planted a kiss on your forehead making you blush.

"Y-Y/N...I found y-you,but how did y-you get here?"Rogue stammered.

"Well,saves us the trouble of looking for you"Sting muttered bluntly.

Rogue's eyes trailed down your heavily bruised and wounded body and his eyes were suddenly full of anger you have never seen before.

"Y/N,who did this to you!?"Rogue exclaimed in shock and anger.

"That dumbass over there"you said pointing to Mard who raised his eyebrow.

Rogue's red eyes left your body and he sent an incredibly menacing glare at Mard who only seemed amused at Rogue's anger.He helped you up and he continued to stare at Mard,suddenly his hands balled up into fists.

"I don't care who you are,be it demon,dragon,or even Zeref...I will make you pay for hurting my Y/N!"he yelled angrily.

He gently shoved you behind him and he tilted his head to the side smiling gently at you.

"You stay back Y/N,i'll take care of him...i'll protect you"

"We're taking our lady back to the guild!"Sting began before a pissed off Rogue continued for him.

"And Y/N too!Now if you ever lay another finger on her your gonna pay!Big time!"Rogue yelled.

"This is the first time mere humans dare to challenge me,thee Mard Geer.I get why the two of you are so full of yourselves right now"Mard said calmly.

"Woah,woah,woah.I'm not just gonna sit around and do nothing,i'm joining the fight!"you say,walking up to Rogue who stopped you by looking at you as if telling you to back off.

"Like i'm letting you do that,I don't want you to get hurt"Rogue warned in a gentle and caring tone.

"I won't get hurt"you said stubbornly."Now whether you like it or not,i'm fighting"you continued taking a step towards Mard.

"Oi!Y/N!Get back here!"Rogue demanded.

You ignored him yet again and then you noticed something,Mard was staring at something in the distance and his expression seemed worried.Why though?

"This is..."Mard began.

"What is this?"Sting asked looking at where Mard was previously staring at.

"A voice?"Rogue asked.

"What?What voice?I don't hear anything!"you ask confusedly.

"This goes above and beyond my expectations for him to show up,did he come for Master E.N.D?Or is he after Zeref?"Mard asked to nobody in particular.

Suddenly,there was a deafening roar made by a...dragon!?Suddenly you could hear the sound of something falling and you turned around and saw Sting and Rogue were on their knees,clutching the part of their chests where their hearts were.

"S-Sting!R-Rogue!"you called out,taking a step towards them.

"Y-Y/N...w-were fine"Rogue stammered before letting out a grunt of pain.

"No your not!I can tell you guys are in pain!"you yelled in a worried tone.

(A few minutes later)

You walked up to Rogue before you kneeled and wrapped her arms around him,he returned the hug and rested his head on your shoulder as you let out a small sigh.

"Are you okay now?Rogue?"you asked with a bit of worry in her voice.

"I'm fine now,my love"Rogue whispered before you let go of him.

"What about you,Sting?"you asked looking at the blond who was squatting.

"Yeah,where'd the guy with the book go though?"Sting asked,looking at us.

"He disappeared,we're gonna find him though"you said standing up.

Both Rogue and Sting stood up and the three of us ran off to find Mard and give his demonic ass a proper whooping...

(Time Skip)

"Crap!"you hear a certain Fire Dragon Slayer yell as he was about to fall into Mard's thorns.

Luckily,the three of you came in time and destroyed the thorns before Natsu could have been impaled by them...that was not a sight you wanted to see.

"Sting!Rogue!Y/N!"Natsu called out.

"Hey Natsu~!"you waved at him with a cheeky grin.

"It's been awhile Natsu-san!"Sting said with a grin.

Rogue didn't say anthing,although in the corner of your eye you saw Mard looking suprised which made you smile at his expression.

"I know your here...but,like why are you here?"Natsu asks with a stupid expression on his face making you mentally face-palm.

"To bring back our young miss"Sting began before he was cut off by Rogue."And Y/N,who for some reason is here"

"Well who cares?We don't have time for that now"Natsu said bluntly."By the way where are Lector and Frosch?"Natsu asks.

"With Erza and Minerva"you respond.

"Natsu-san!Let's join forces and kick his ass!"Sting yelled excitedly.

"All four of us should be able to beat him"Rogue added.

"That's a good idea...but,I refuse"Natsu blurted out.


"Does he even-"Rogue began before he was cut off by Sting who placed his hand on his shoulder,you raised an eyebrow and he winked at you.

That only means he has something planned...oh,God.

"Alright"Sting began with a smirk."We the Twin Dragons,Y/N,and Natsu will have a competition to see who whoops his ass first"

"Well then,there's no way i'll let you whoop his ass first!"Natsu yelled as he immidiately dashed towards Mard.

"It's the only way he'll let us join the battle..."Sting muttered.

"I'll be going now,we are in a competition"Rogue says as he turns into a shadow.

You smirked and let the marks appear on your body,soon your fists set ablaze and you ran towards Mard landing a clean punch on his gut making him crash into a pile of stone.When he stood up again,Rogue punched Mard on the cheek and Sting landed a powerful kick making him (yet again) crash into another pile of rubble.

You smirked as the four of you stood together,Natsu stood at the back with a grin and he held his fist with his hand.Rogue was on his right looking at Mard and you were beside him,placing your hand on your hip ever so sassily.Sting was next to you preparing to kick Mard's ass.

We had a Fire Demon Slayer,a Fire Dragon Slayer,a Shadow Dragon Slayer,and a White Dragon Slayer.Mard's ass will totally get handed to him...



Right now,i'm sick so I got a lot of free time so don't be suprised at all when I update again later likes the new cover?Like I said,I have a ton of free time so I decided to change the cover...

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