Chapter 41.5 : Of Cookie Dough & Proper Etiquette ; Christmas Special

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[ a/n ]:

Merry Christmas, guys ! I hope you got what you wanted, and I hope y'all are in good moods, because Christmas only comes once a year.

Here's a little treat from me to you ; something lighthearted and fun, to take your mind off of the shit the guys are dealing with in the manga :)

Lots of love !

- Acnologia_Slayer


You had one hand wrapped securely around a bowl, the said bowl pressed against your midsection, causing a consistent pain that you chose to ignore. Your other hand clutched the handle of a large wooden spoon, stirring the contents inside the bowl.

After another minute, you set the bowl down on the kitchen counter, wincing at the loud thud that came afterwards. One hand rested on the edge of the counter, using the other to wipe the beads of sweat that ran down your face.

After a quick breather, you peered into the bowl, curious as to how much progress you were able to make with Rogue's old wooden spoon, and your sheer will alone.

Sadly, it wasn't much.

It was frustrating, really; but you picked up the bowl once again, nestling it in-between your arm and your stomach, and began stirring with everything you had.



You raised your head, and spun around, swearing that you heard somebody call your name. On the verge of possibly considering hysteria, you felt a tug on your leg, and you looked down, surprised to see Frosch.

The exceed clung to your leg, gazing up at you cutely. He tilted his head to the side, "What are you doing, (Y/N)-chan?"

"Just making some cookies for the guys at Sabertooth, " you reply with a kind smile. Frosch looked up at you in awe, as he beamed.

"Wow! But why so many cookies?"

"Because the capacity of Sting's stomach is equal to at least ten people. Plus, blondie's a sucker for my cooking."


You shut the oven quickly, taking off your mittens and smiling contentedly at the tray-full of cookie dough. That was another batch of perfectly made cookies, that Sting would probably devour in the blink of an eye. You entertained yourself with the thought, proceeding towards Frosch.

"So, how are they?" you ask.

Frosch looks up, cookie crumbs dotting the side of him mouth. He smiles nonchalantly, "It's amazing, (Y/N)-chan! I know everybody's gonna love it!"

You couldn't help but smile as well. "Why, thank you, Frosch."

You and Frosch continued chatting, waiting for the new batch of cookies to finish baking. You then decided to try one of your cookies, thinking that you deserved an award for all your hard work.

You were shocked at the explosion of flavor inside your mouth. So much so, you let a few noises slip out as you chewed.

"(Y/N), what the fu-" the voice stopped itself upon realizing Frosch was in the room. Thrilled at hearing Rogue's deep, sleek voice, you raced towards him, throwing your arms around him.

Rogue sighed happily, kissing your forehead while your head was on his chest. "What are you doing?"

"She's making cookies for the Sabertooth members!" Frosch interjected happily, and you heard Rogue chuckle under his breath.

"Really, now?" Rogue says, "Then can I try some?"

Finally, you detach yourself from his chest and cross your arms, pouting. Rogue only smiled more. You shook your head profusely, before Rogue wrapped his arms around you again.

"And why not?"

You scoff. "Because you're going to eat everything - no, don't give me that look, I know you, Cheney."

Rogue wouldn't stop staring at you, silently pleading. 

"Fine. But only the leftover batter," you finalize.

Rogue smiles and pulls away, taking calm strides towards the bowl, with the wooden spoon awkwardly jutting out of it. He rests most of his weight on one leg, looking down at the bowl. 

From behind him, you saw Rogue stick his finger into the remaining dough that was sloshed around the bowl's insides. Your eyes widened in shock as Rogue casually stuck his finger, which was laced with dough, into his mouth.

"What?" he asked, the tip of his finger still inside his mouth.

"My God, Rogue, you could've at least used a spoon!"

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