Chapter 35:Intuition

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Suit-guy then proceeded to kick Natsu in the face, the Dragon Slayer then crossed his arms in front of his face to block the hit. Now that your clothes were back, you ran towards him before quickly leaping out of the way when he tried to kick you.

You had sucessfully struck him before disappearing once again. Suit-guy completely ignored you and went for Natsu instead, then, you shoved Natsu out of the way and took the blow instead.


"I'm alright," you said before disappearing again.

You covered Natsu and Lucy in a protective layer of flame just before Suit-guy had the chance to attack them, when he appeared once again, so did you. The fire covering the two mages disappeared as you stared at the Asassin-whatever-it-was-called mage.

"It's a cruel world we live not forget that!" Suit-guy exclaimed, "Your 113 guildmates that I captured, starting now I'm going to personally kill them one-by-one!"

"I dare ya!" Natsu yelled stupidly.

"One of your allies is in there too!" Lucy yelled, "Brandish is there with them!"


An orb materialized into his hand and he stared at it for a few seconds, "Brandish! And that lackey of hers too!? Crap! If I get them mixed up in all this too, I'll never hear the end of it from Dimaria...I've got no choice."

Two people, one woman and a man appeared in front of Suit-guy as he grinned victoriously, "Damn! I've botched the job!"

The girl got on her knees and looked at Suit-guy before saying, "Jacob!?" his name's Jacob. you thought.

A duplicate of the man appeared just as the other man was done praising Suit-guy--I mean, Jacob. Everybody, including yours truly was staring at the two men in confusion.

"Oh my!? There's another me!?"

"You pass~♡"

Lucy suddenly changed into a black and white outfit, with two heads sticking out of the man's duplicate. You cringed at the sight before you shook your head.


"Piri piri~!" the two Spirits chirped.

"This is way too creepy! Definitely a failing grade!" the non-duplicate man exclaimed.

Happy sweatdropped, "If you're bringing out Gemini, why not just have them transform into Brandish? She'd be stronger..."

"While that is true, my true objective was..."

"Space Commandment Activate! Pikkiri!"

"Ah no! We're gonna disappear too!" Gemini wailed.

Lucy smiled, "Along with my Star Dress suit but...that's all part of the plan!"

"My transport is-!"

"This will render all Spatial Magic ineffective!" Lucy interrupted, "In other words...I can bring everybody back to this dimension!"

While everybody was praising Lucy for bringing them back to the guild, Jacob was glaring daggers at her. He growled lowly like a dog.

"It's just one pain in the ass after another with you fodder!" he exclaimed, "All of you! Get the hell out of my sight! Vanish!"

"You've got some nerve, "Fairy Tail's previous master said, "inflicting such pain on the first. So today was 'Respect for the Aged Day,' was it?"

"In that case, then you oughtta show the First more respect than anyone, punk!"

Jacob was then punched by the incredibly enormous hand of Fairy Tail's previous master. Everybody was gaping at the massive hole in the guild hall while you just stood there, impressed.

"Gramps, stop wreckin' the guild hall!" Natsu yelled.

Fairy Tail's master then grabbed Natsu, who, in return, got ahold of your hand so you were basically dragged along with him.

"Well isn't this a case of the pot calling the kettle black!"


The old man then threw both you and Natsu out of the gaping hole before you gradually got closer and closer to Jacob. Natsu's fear then turned into excitement as he got closer to his enemy.

"C'mon (Y/N)!"

"Blaze Dragon King Mode!"

The lakewater nearby started evaporating and Jacob's clothes started melting away. The familiar flaming sword appeared in your hand as the two of you finished off Jacob with one final hit.

When you landed on the ground, a very strange feeling overtook you.

You stared at the ground before you made up your mind.

...something's wrong.

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