Chapter 17:Captured By the King of Hades

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(Third Person's P.O.V)

Y/N was sleeping soundly on her bed,the blanket wrapped around her body.Suddenly,the door to the bedroom opened slightly and slowly and quietly it opened some more.Someone walked in and quietly shut the door behind them as not to wake up the sleeping girl.The mysterious figure walked towards Y/N's bed and stood at the edge of the bed watching the girl sleep.The moonlight that shone through the window of their bedroom revealled the mysterious intruder's face.

The male had light brown hair that reached his shoulders and covered the left side of his face.Some of the male's hair jutted upwards forming two ear-like protrusions.He had a canine-like nose that was black in color,and the one eye that was revealled had a dark slitted pupil and black spots below his eye and above his eyebrow.The male smiled evilly revealling his pointed,triangular fang-like teeth.

"Sorry to disturb your beauty sleep but your coming with me"the male said as if expecting her to respond,but she didn't.

He lifted Y/N bridal-style and walked out of her bedroom and then out of her home.When he left the house the moonlight showed his entire body.It turns out the male had a furry tail the same color of his body that was swishing as he walked,carrying Y/N's still sleeping body.He wore a green striped tank top and a brown bandana adorned with pale yellow spots that circled his neck.He sported a garb tied around his waist and whitish beige pants that ended below his knees that were extremely loose and baggy.His outfit was completed with plain black boots with light soles.(A/N:I got dis description from da Fairy Tail wiki XD)

(Time Skip)

"I have Y/N with me now"the same male said,walking into a room still carrying Y/N who was still sleeping.

"Very good,leave her here with me,you can go now.You did a very good job...Jackal"the male said,standing up from his throne.

"Thank you,Mard Geer-san.May I go now?"Jackal asks.

"Yes,you may"

And with that Jackal left the room leaving only Mard Geer and Y/N who was sleeping on Mard's throne.(Mard Geer placed her there)

"Very soon,Y/N...we will get to meet Lord Zeref,and those 'friends' you have will know the thruth about you...about your past"

(Major Time Skip,Y/N's P.O.V)

"I'm sure magic will soon vanish from this world,it will no longer be a problem"a male voice said.

"I don't understand what your..."a feminine voice began before it was cut off by the same masculine voice."Who are we,Kyoka?"

"Etherious,demons from the books of Zeref"the feminine voice responded.

"And what is our goal?"the male voice asked.

You slightly opened your eyes to see two forms,one male and another female.The female one was on one knee while the male one,named Mard Geer was standing up in front of the female his back facing you,you were guessing the female was named Kyoka.You then noticed you were sitting on some sort of throne.

'Where am I?How did I get here?'you thought.

"To revive Master E.N.D and return to our Lord Zeref"Kyoka answered.

"And what are humans to us demons?"Mard Geer asked.

"Humans are inferior to us demons,humans are lower than insects"Kyoka responded.

There was silence until vines wrapped around Kyoka and she let out a scream.The thorns dug into her skin and the vines were wrapped tightly around her body.You gasped in shock and Mard turned around and looked at you before he smirked.

"I see your awake,Y/N"he said walking up to you,you noticed a book which had three letters on the cover...E.N.D

Was it the E.N.D that the two of them were talking about just now?

He turned back to Kyoka and he smirked,"Those pesks from Fairy Tail are really delaying my plans to meet Lord Zeref...maybe I should use Alegria"

"Alegria?What's that?"you ask.

"You'll find out very quickly,Y/N"he said,smirking.

"Whatever it is,i'm not letting you cast Alegria"you growled,standing up.

"And what are you gonna do to stop me?"he asked.

"You little!..."

Suddenly you felt something wrapped around your arms and legs and you felt something piercing into your skin.You winced and looked to see the same vines wrapped around your arms and legs,the thorns piercing your skin,drawing blood.

"Screw you and your damned ways!"you yelled only to feel the vines tightening causing even more thorns to pierce your skin."O-ouch..."you groaned.

"You dare speak like that to me?Mard Geer?The King of the Underworld?"he asks.

You growled and the vines tightened once again and it spreaded so the vines reached your shoulders and the ones on your legs spreaded to your thighs making even more thorns pierce your skin,drawing even more blood.Mard smirked and lifted two fingers so they were on the same level as his head then he swiftly made his hand point to the right muttering:


(A few minutes later)

"Mard Geer-sama,at this rate even our soldier's..."Kyoka began before Mard cut her off.

"Corroded,sacrifice,death and resurrection,despair and hope"

"What the heck are you talking about?"you ask,snarling at Mard.

"So someone managed to escape the clutches of Alegria"Mard muttered,ignoring you."There's a one in a billion chance,that's some good luck...or should I say bad luck?Considering she's left all alone in Hell"

Mard turned to Kyoka and the vines that were wrapping around her loosened.

"You are free to go,but don't disappoint me next time"Mard muttered.

"Yes,thank you Mard Geer-sama"Kyoka bowed before she left leaving only you and Mard Geer.

You squirmed a bit and the vines got even tighter,you screamed as the sudden pain hit you and Mard turned to look at you his grin widened.

"Your wondering what Alegria is,no?"he asked,making you snarl.

"I could just kill you right now,you pesky human,alas,I need you for my plans...shall we go?"Mard asked.

The vines loosened and you fell on all fours letting out a grunt,you lost a ton of blood back there.You looked up at Mard to see that damn annoying smirk on his face.Suddenly he got a hold on your wrist and pulled you up,his grip tightening making you whimper.

"Let's go,my dear Y/N"...


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