Chapter 5:Grand Magic Games Part 2

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Sabertooth's name was mentioned and you and the others walked into the battlefield.The team that represented Sabertooth was you,Rogue,Sting,Rufus,and Orga.Orginally,the new girl,Yukino was supposed to be in the Grand Magic Games but Master decided to put you in instead.

As expected,everyone began cheering the moment you entered the battlefield.The emcee's began babbling some stuff you didn't give a single damn about.When they said that the first even would begin Rufus volunteered and after talking with that pumpkin guy they first event began...and it's name was...Hidden.

(Time Skip,A/N:I feel lazy...)

Rufus won,quite easily and after the battles it marked the end of the first day.Sabertooth was first place and Fairy Tail was having a rough start but who could blame 'em?I mean they were going against Sabertooth and a couple other strong guilds.When it was end of day one and while you were walking around Crocus you had bumped into Rogue who looked like he was looking for you,all of a sudden he pulled you into a kiss.You instinctively wrapped your arms around the Dragon Slayer's neck and you broke away,a bit pink.

"You okay?Plus,what was that all about?"you asked.

"What?I can't let the whole world know how much I love you?"he asked pinching the brigde of your nose.

Yep.He was perfectly fine.

You grunted and walked away from him saying,"Just don't suddenly do that again...especially in public"

"Hey!Wait up!"he said running after you,when he reached you he began synchronizing his steps with yours.

"Where you going?"he asked.

"Taking a walk,you can join me if you want"you said,answering his next question before he had even asked it.

The two of you walked around,occasionally teasing each other and there were a few instances the perverted side of Rogue made you want to rip him apart.

"Hey Y/N...I gotta ask you something"he suddenly said.

"Yeah?What is it?"you responded looking into his red eyes,well eye since the other one was covered by his hair...but you get the point!

"Why do you love me?"he asked,he sounded like he needed reasurrance.

"Well...there's a lot of reasons why I love you actually,there's your personality which is adorable and sometimes very detestable.Your pretty fun to be with,even when you make really lame perverted jokes...but I have look past that,cuz your a boy and it's only natural your perveted and idiotic.There's also the fact you can be really protective and caring,I love that about you...anyway,why are you asking?"you asked.

"So that you won't leave me for someone else"he muttered looking away.

"And if I did leave you,who do you think i'd be with?Rufus?Dare I say,Orga?"you said slyly.

"There are several other boys who're better than Sting for example,there is no damn way I can compete against Sting"he sounded unsure,it just made you want to hug him and make him feel better.

"Yeah but I don't love that bastard now do I?Plus,if I did like Sting I woudn't have let you steal my first kiss,now would I?"you said slyly.

"I guess your right,i'm worrying over nothing"Rogue said looking at you again.

You smiled and hugged him,he returned the hug and you two stayed like that for a few minutes.It was you who broke the hug,when you did you held Rogue's hand and the two of you walked around until it got late.

"Let's go back to the inn,Y/N.It's a getting late"Rogue said.

"Sure"you resonded before yawning.

He smiled and flicked the brigde of your nose for no reason,you rubbed your nose and glared at the smiling Shadow Dragon Slayer.

"What did I do?"you asked irritatedly.

"Stop acting so cute in front of me"he said playfully.

You rolled your eyes and whacked him on the back of the head.

"Ow!What was that for!?"he exclaimed rubbing the back of his head.

"That was for flicking my nose for a really stupid-ass reason,that hurted y'know!"you snapped.

"That also hurt!I only flicked your nose,not hit the back of your head!"he snapped.

"Lover's quarells,frikin priceless"Sting said walking up to us.

"Shut up!"you and Rogue shouted in unison.

Sting chuckled and you crossed your arms,rolling your eyes,grumbling."What are you doing here anyway?"

"I went out to look for you two,it's getting late and you shoud be at the inn right now"Sting said before turning and walking away,he stopped in his tracks and tilted his head looking at the two of you,asking."You comin' or what?"

"We're coming"Rogue said grabbing your hand and catching up to Sting.

(At le inn)

When you got in the inn Rogue and Sting went to their room,you greeted them good night and when you were gonna go to your room Rogue held your wrist stopping you.

"Huh?What is it?"you asked tilting your head to the side.

"Stay with me,Y/N"he said making you turn red.

"Like i'd do that!Have you forgotten Sting's staying there too!?"you shouted,God,Rogue could be such an idiot sometimes.

"Please???Just this once"he begged.

"'s impossible to say no to you"you muttered.

Somehow Sting was already asleep when you and Rogue got into bed.You got in first and Rogue followed,he hugged your waist bringing you closer to his warm body and he buried his face in your h/c hair.You closed your eyes and welcomed the wonderful thing called 'sleep' with open arms...



This was kinda short,I's just I had nothing to type anymore so I just decided to end it.So end of the first day of the GMG,yeah.Anyway,i'm not gonna make the same mistake that I did with my Sting x Reader and after the GMG i'll stop following the storyline of Fairy Tail and just screw around...:3,well adios!

Rogue Cheney x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now