Chapter 23:The Ultimate Curse,Memento Mori

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There was an explosion caused by Natsu and Gray's fused attack towards Mard's Etherious Form.Rubble was flying everywhere and you made your way towards the two of them trying to ignore the injuries you sustained from the fight you had with Jiemma.All of a sudden Mard flew up to the air and he was about to strike,you quickly leapt into the air and blocked his attack while your cheeks puffed up.

"Fire Devil's...Rage!"you yelled whilst fire was expelled from your mouth.

"Y/N!What are you doing here!?"Natsu asked.

"I have buisness with see,i'm a Devil Slayer too"you respond,revealling the tattoo you got marking that you were a Devil Slayer too.

"That's interesting..."Gray said with a smirk."Well then,i'll show you my Devil Slaying Magic...Ice Devil's Rage!"Gray yelled as ice was expelled from his mouth.

Somehow,Mard evaded both of our attacks and he flew around them,he stopped flying and he formed some sort of plant on his arm that begun growing downwards.

"Dea Yggdrasil!"he yelled as the plant quickly grew downwards,aiming towards the three of us.

The two of the guys began punching at the plant thing and you muttered a 'Well you can't beat 'em so you just go with 'em' and joined the two.All of the plant broke away and Gray held his fist with his hand.

"Ice Make...Gungnir!"Gray yelled as he sent a massive piece of ice towards Mard who simply dogded it.

There was a crack coming from the massive ice Gray had made and Mard looked in our direction before both you and Natsu bursted out of it.

"Goddamn,that was cold!"you yelled.

"Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame!","Fire Devil's Hell Fire!"you and Natsu yelled at the same time as the attack hit Mard's face.

Mard crashed into the ground and you and Natsu landed next to Gray,he quickly rose from the ground as of he was unaffected by our attacks.

"Is he immortal!?"Natsu exclaimed.

"And he got hit by my Devil Slaying Magic..."you muttered.

"You've entertained me,human wizards"Mard admitted."A long time ago,magic was born as one.Eventually,it developed into many different kinds of magic.E.N.D created a new possibility for magic,curses,the source of their power are actual 'curses' hatred...envy...negative feelings make them stronger.They are based on the nature of life"Mard explained.

"Who cares!Magic will create the future!"Natsu exclaimed.

Mard suddenly raised his hand and all of a sudden a cloud started forming around us,strangely you coudn't move your body at all,neither could Gray or Natsu.

"The hell?"you asked.

"What is this?"Gray asks.

"I can't move..."Natsu said.

"Magic has no future,curses are superior in all aspects"Mard explains."Fall into purgatory,this is the ultimate curse I devised to destroy Zeref...the memory of death...

Memento Mori...","To kill Zeref the immortal,I must destroy the concept of life and death,those hit by this curse are neither alive or dead...they just vanish...become...nothing"

And with that the entire thing that surrounded us and caused you,Natsu,and Gray horrible pain like no other.The thing that was our end,the ultimate curse,Memento Mori,disappeared and we disappeared with it...

Or so Mard thought...

The ground bursted open and there were three forms,you,Natsu,and Gray.Your marks spreaded a bit so they surrounded some more of your body.(The marks on your body are where Sting and Rogue's scales were when their Dragon Force was activated)The three of you were beaten up like hell,but Gray though,his marks covered more than half of his body and this worried you.

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