Chapter 22:A Bond of Black and White

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(A/N:My God,guys I am so sorry for disappearing for a week...I was busy with school projects for the ENTIRE week and the week after this week is gonna be my exams so there is a chance I might not update as often but I swear after my exams i'll be back to my normal schedule...Gomenasai and I hope dis update can make up for mah disappearance!)

"A Devil Slayer you say!?"Mard exclaims.

"W-what?Y-you to?"you stammered looking up at him in disbelief.

"W-what the hell..."Sting muttered.

"Magic for defeating demons..."you and Gray say together.

All of a sudden Gray brought his hands together before he punched the ground with his fist,suddenly ice erupted from where Mard was standing and it encased Mard in a giant ice thing.Mard's eyes were filled with shock and...fear?

"This is Silver's..."Mard began before he shattered the ice that encased him moments ago."I knew he'd betray me,but not like this"Mard admitted."Fate is such a curious thing"

The vines sprouted out of the ground again and they were aiming for Gray who quickly froze all of them in an instant,shocking even Mard.Why was he so shocked?He already knew the extent of a Devil Slayer's powers (Cuz of a certain someone *cough cough* you *cough cough*) why was he still so shocked?

"Another Devil Slayer...just like me"you say to nobody in particular.

"He froze them instantly..."Rogue muttered.

"Amazing!"Sting exclaimed.

"There's nothing funny about all of this,all this is for my dad!"Gray yelled.

"Dad?"Natsu questioned.

"I will destroy you!"Gray shouted as he sent ice heading straight for Mard which hit his chest making him scream in pain.

Mard slid across the ground,before looking up at Gray in fear.Gray sprinted towards Mard who could do nothing but look at him as his hands were together as he casted a spell.

"Ice Devil's...Zeroth Long Sword!"he yelled as he brought down a strong amount of magic.

What you expected was Mard to yell in pain or atleast grunt or something,but no,not a single peep.Instead,something was in front of Mard and had blocked Gray's powerful attack,that thing had sent Gray flying with an incredible amount of force that rivalled even the one Mard had used.

"You made it..."Mard says as his damned smirk came back.

"Another goddamned demon..."you groaned.

"This smells like"Natsu muttered.

"No..."Sting muttered in disbelief.

You finally realized who it was,and it made your eyes grow wide...

"I-it can't be..."you stammer.

"The man who was at the top of all the guilds,some say he's the devil himself...Jiemma"

"Master..."Rogue muttered as he began to tremble.

"Ah..."was all Sting could muster.

"Wasn't he the previous Master of Sabertooth!?"Natsu exclaimed.

"He was...until Sting took his place"you respond as you feel yourself begin to shake as the memories of living under his merciless rule were coming back.

"So he was turned to a demon along with Minerva,huh?"Gray asks.

"Turned?Your wrong,I chose this power for myself so I would be the strongest"Jiemma's voice rung in your ears.

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