Chapter 21..

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UPDATE. This chapter is a tad depressing and by a tad I mean its really depressing. :'( It made me said writing about it because it is something I had to live threw, not with my father but with another close family  member. 

Anyway, I got lots a feedback on my last note saying you guys loved it and I cried because I loved hearing that people are enjoying my story and I'm not writing for nothing. SO YEA THANK YOU.

Haha read on beautifuls. 



Danielles P.o.v

"I'm sorry to inform you but your parents have been in an accident." Her voice made everything in the background stop. The shouting of people talking, the loud music every little noise jut came to an abrupt silence in my mind. All I was able to hear was the sound of my breathing in my ears and the loud and quick thumps in my chest. "A-re the like okay?" I choked out barely getting any words out of my mouth that had went dry. 

"Just please Mrs.Ross come to the hospital." Her voice made me almost certain that there was something extremely wrong. "I'll be there as  soon as possible." I said quickly hanging up my phone and sprinting to my bedroom. I grabbed the things I would need a wallet and my other phone then sprinted to the door to be stopped by liam, he grabbed my shoulders. 

"Dani whats wrong?" He asked rubbing my arm lightly. I was in a vulnarable state, I wasn't crying I was just unable to speak. I tried many times to choke out words but only got a few out. "Parents... Car.... Accident.. Go." I breathed out between the weird nervous noises.

"Okay we need to get her to the hopsital, boys take her please make sure shes okay." Jeff rushed placing a hand on my arm giving me a good luck look. The boys nodded escorting me to the elevator. I stood there almost shaking and passing out of lack of breath until we got downstairs. 

We pushed past people making out way into the hotel kitchen so we could exit the back way. No paps are allowed to cross the fence that was on the other side. When we exited the cold london air hit my skin sending shivers down my spine,Louis took the drivers seat we all got into the black suv. I sat behind with Zayn and Harry holding on to Harrys arm for dear life lying my head on his shoulder. His hand ran threw my her patting it gently as I sat there emotionaless. 

The drive felt like much longer than I had hoped but when we pulled up to the hospital I was jumping out of my seat and out the car before Louis had even stopped it. I ran up the stairs infront of the hospital quickly entering. 

"Ross, my parents where are they?" I breathed out the lady pointed at my sister, Dylan and the baby in the distance. The boys had now caught up to me and followed behind as I walked over to my twin sister. Stella not being able to hold in her emotions like me broke down as soon as she spotted me, I wrapped her into a hug as she cried on my shoulder. "How a-a-are they?" I stuttered.

"I don't know.. we haven't got... an update yet." She sobbed I sighed taking a seat on the sofa they had out here. The boys took there seat next to me, I lied my head on harrys shoulder, he kissed the top of my forhead as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, giving me a slight hug. 

We sat there for almost one hour, I stared absentmindedly at the grey wall. I watched as women who were about to bring a new life into this world run by in horrible pain. A little girl being torn away from her parents because she needed to take her shots, all that fun stuff. 

"There you guys are.. We've been looking for you." The nurse and doctor looked at us a moment, i lifted my head of Harrys shoulder as they took a seat between Stella and I. He looked down at his shoes then back at us both. "We have a few things to tell you.. You're mother is doing good, she has a consussion and a broken leg shes gonna be good by tomorrow night.." he trailed letting out a sigh. 

"I'm sorry to have to say this but your father passed.. his lungs punctured his heart when he arrived at the hospital.. I'm sorry, we have your papers here." He handed me the folder. He gave us one last glance before standing away and walking off into the distance. I held the blue folder in my hands staring at it intently. 

I could hear the sound of Stella crying and Drew consoling her and I could almost feel the stares the boys were giving me but I just didn't know what to do. 

I remember when I was young I had a dog. His name was Grizzly, I loved him to pieces, I used to talk to him and tell him all my problems with boys and drama, school just whatever. One day I came home from school and dad had told me Grizzly went to this beautiful place called heaven. 

At the time I was only 10 so the whole thought of this Heaven seemed kind of sureal to me. He explained that when god thinks its time you go visit him he brings you up to his beautiful palace where you live the happy life and you just watch over the ones you love. He told me that Grizzly would go find great grandma and grandpa and be happy with them.

I specifically remember how he told me someday he would go to this beautiful place, I wasn't fully understanding, where my daddy would go but he said that if he ever was  to go in that beautiful place to not be sad or scared because he loved me and he would be okay. 

But how are you not sad? You know when someone so close to you just goes away. I won't be able to hear his voice threw the phone before my shows, he won't ever walk me down the aisle or be there if I ever have kids. Theres always gonna be that one thing in my life missing. 

I was the close one with my dad, Stella was always in the kitchen baking with mom or cleaning or doing yoga. I was always with my dad as we watched football games, played base ball in the yard, he showed me how to ride my bike without training wheels. He was there to pick me up when I was sad or comfort me. Now I have nothing but an empty whole of his memorys. 

"Danielle." Harry said in kind of a whisper,I shook my head slightly. "No its not true, this is a misunderstanding." I shook my head even more standing up from the couch. "Dani its okay." he grabbed my shoulders I shook out of his grasp. "No! Its not true! It cant be! why would he leave me!" I said angrily. 

"Danielle hes gone okay!" Harry snapped me back into reality like I needed. I fell into his arms sobbing loudly as he held me tight. Hes gone forever. 

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