Chapter 9.

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Chapter 9 


I kind of just sat there waiting for someone to say something I mean I wouldn't be the happiest camper if Stella would be making out with my first boyfriend.. Actually I wouldn't care all that much but she's Stella she cares about this stuff..

"Stella, I'm sorry I didn't mean for..."

"It's fine dani... I need to talk to you guys though maybe just you for now' she cut me off I knotted my eye brows and nodded.

"Harry will just be in the living room, invite the boys over" he nodded I stepped out of the kitchen and walked to the living room with my sister. We sat down on the couch she looked nervous almost scared.

"I met a boy today he's twenty two we talked for an hour I really like him, were meeting up in one hour" she grinned.

"Stella that's great!"

She laughed and nodded.

"We're here!" The other four boys shouted entering the living room with Harry who was trying to keep them out. "Sorry about that break up Stella" Niall frowned.

"Don't worry bout it I'm not really into him that much" she winked.

"Wow so who's e boy you fancy?" Liam guessed correctly, we've picked up the British slang so we now know what fancy means.

"We met Starbucks today he just broke up with his girlfriend" she grinned, "he actually wanted to hang out with me in ten minutes so I have to go! Ill be home later" she smiled and walked out of the house.

"We'll that's cute" Liam smiled I nodded.

"So boys what are we doing today?"

"Lets go out! Hmm lets go to lunch then figure out from there?" Zayn suggested I nodded.

"I'm gonna go change cause I don't like this outfit and its cold out I need something warmer" they nodded, I ran upstairs and into my closet, I grabbed my wool sweater, some ripped jeans, hue vans, and a blue beanie.

( )

"I'm ready to go"

"Lego!" Louis shouted. We went out into the drive way and decided to take the SUV since there six of us more room, Lou's driving so it may end in disaster.

Mommy: we will be home tomorrow morning xoxo

To mommy: see you then, xoxo

I slipped my phone back into my pocket. I can't believe I'm actually friends with one direction it seems like just yes tray Stella was admiring them on the tv screen and I was gagging just at there name.. I guess things change alot.

"Danielle earth to dani" Niall waved his hand in front of my face I snapped out of my trance the car was no longer moving we were in the parking lot of some restaurant. "Coming?"

"Oh ya sorry" I stepped out of the car followed by the boys, we sat at a booth I sat next to Liam Harry across from me Louis beside him, Zayn beside lou and Niall beside Liam.

We ordered, got our food and what not then they boys went into conversation and I went off in my thinking world. What if I did get into the showcase then accepted into the school that's a 22 hour plane ride from here to there am I ready to go that far.

I mean I've lived with my sister from my moms stomach to now I don't know if I'd be able to be across the world from her but that's my dream school I've gotta grow out of there eventually.

Or wait what about that kiss.. I mean it was a pretty good one but we haven't talk about it or anything for that matter..

"Cupcake where are you today, you've been out of it all day" Harry told me.

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