She's not afraid (Harry styles fanfic)

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Danielle P.O.V

"I just really love one direction" Stella said goggling over the five teenage boys on the tv. I groaned and turned it off. "Dani!" She screeched reaching for the clicker that I had gripped in my hand.

"I don't understand why you like them so much there not even that attractive"

"If you knew them like I did you would love them just as much" she grinned i sighed.

"We live in Nashville you know nothing about them nor will you ever"

"We're going to London in the morning I'm determined to meet them at the concert!" She smiled.. I chuckled to myself and stood up from the couch.

We may be identical twins but we have nothing in common definitely different taste of music that's for sure. She's more into the one direction Justin bieber thing I like Coldplay, Beatles, Ed sheeran you know just different types.

We legitimately have nothing in common, she likes pink I like blue, she likes Salads I like pizza, she likes fashion I like sports. All her friends are stuck up bitches most of mine are boys.

We look the exact some though except I had wavy orange\brown hair hers is naturally straight. Her eyes are a boring brown mine change everyday depending on the weather, there icy blue when its cold and snowy, grey when its rainy and boring, green when its sunny and beautiful and brown whenever the hell that feel like being grey.

I made my way up to my bedroom most of my stuff was packed up into boxes. We were leaving tomorrow morning to move to London England yay. I'm not enthusiastic at all.

My parents own a business. A world wide business to be honest I don't even know what the business is called but whatever. So were moving to London cause we need to manage the business there I don't even know..

"Dani love are you done packing?" Mom asked I groaned.

"Yea I'm ready to go.. What time does our flight leave at?"

"Four in the morning so you might want to get some sleep" she smiled before walking away. I sighed and made my way to my dresser. I grabbed a pair of shorts and a tank top and slipped it on I tied my London dark brown hair in a bun and slipped into my bed letting sleep take over.

"Danielle wake up London time!" Stella shouted coming into my room I groaned and put my covers over my head. She started tugging at them and with my weakness in the morning I was cover less. "Wake up we need to get going!"

I stood up from my bed angrily and stuck my arm up pointing to the door so that she would leave she sighed and walked out.

I grabbed the clothe on the chair that I had taken out last night, I slipped on a white bandeau a black Beatles tshirt that was cut v-neck, some jeans and combat boots.

I went into my bathroom i slipped off my glasses and put in my contacts I took my traveling make up bag and applied some cover up, foundation, some eye liner, I curled my eye lashes and applied a thick coat of mascara.

I brushed threw my hair till me wavy hair fell perfectly and put on my beanie. When I was done I exited my bathroom and into my room all my stuff was already gone this is it London here we come.


We arrived at the airport and I'm already annoyed with brit she hasn't shut up about her stupid boy band. We went threw security quickly for once and boarded the plane it's gonna be a long six hours.

"Your insecure don't know what for!" Stella sang getting looks from everyone else she sounded like a dying seal.

"Jesus Christ Stella stop your horrible!" I took the headphone out of her ear she stuck her tongue out and put it back in her headphone.

The plane took off I would say that's the worse part about flying along with the landing every thing else isn't as bad it's just kind of like driving 37,000 feet in the air so I guess it isn't really like driving at all.

I looked over at my sister who was dancing in her seat she lacks in the musical/dancing side. I've always been the more, musical, she's been the fashionable one, I'm the wild child, she likes to keep on the safe side, shes scared of everything I'm fearless. She's a total buzz kill.

Don't get me wrong I love Stella to pieces it's just were so different... She opened up her laptop and put in another one of her stupid romance movies.

Another thing we don't have in common I don't believe in love. In all movies they have a happy ending except Romeo and Juliet I admire that movie but seriously nothing every ends happy. Love just doesn't exist I believe in crushes but love ,no.

I plugged my headphones into my black iPhone 5 and put on some Ed sheeran, my favorite song of his is ironically enough give me love. I don't believe in love but I like some love songs.. I know all eds and cold plays songs on guitar, drums, piano and vocals. I've always loved music.


Six hours and thirty five minutes later we have landed in London, I'm pooped but everyone else seems to be full of energy. I'm already hating it here its so posh..

I must admit it sure is beautiful the snow glistened on the ground looking like a bunch of crystals, the sun was beaming brightly in the clear blue sky. I love this weather winter is my favorite time of year my eyes are an icy blue at this time.

Our driver threw our luggage into the SUV and we all sat in.

I admired the view of London as we drove home, everything was so old looking, the huge London eye, Big Ben it was actually stunning imagine at night.

We pulled into our drive way the new house was huge about one size bigger then in Canada. I was ecstatic just to get out of the car. We entered the home it was amazing, when you entered there was two marble stair cases on each sides that lead to the upstairs, the floors were checkered, there was a huge chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

We had sent in the designs for our bedrooms lets go see how it looks. I ran upstairs into the room the nearest it was Stella's , her room was a hot pink, everything sparkly it made me want to vomit. I walked out of there as fast as I could leaving her to add some one direction posters and stuff. I walked to the opposite side of the hall there was only one bedroom I opened it it was amazing. It was a dark purple color, there was a huge bed I'm the middle with zebra print sheets it had the quote "music is my escape" over the bed and Christmas lights all around it was great.

I could hear screeching from downstairs so I ran down maybe someone's hurt! Nope just Brit yelling.

"We're going to see one direction in two weeks!" She shouted.

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