Chapter 22

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Harry's P.O.V

Being in California was always a great time usually. But its been three months almost since Dani's dad passed away and she hasnt been the same since. Dani being well Dani does what she usually does to drown her sorrow. Drink. It was really horrid how much she drank usually every second night and if she wasn't drinking she was sad. 

She still did her usual concerts keeping it all together for the crowd but as soon as it was just us she was done. 

Zayn and I walked down the narrow hallway of our hotel until we got to our row a rooms. The rest of the boys, Eleanor, Danielle and Nialls new girlfriend Katelyn were standing outside of her door knocking non stop. "Where is she?" I asked Liam shook his head. "Out of it again.." He trailed i sighed pulling out the key for her room out of my back pocket.

He was ever so correct, as soon as I opened the door the smell of liquor and alcohol filled my nostrals. There was empty bottles and red cups lying all over the large room. "Harrrrrrrrrrrrrry my fave!" She slurred wrapping her arms around my neck and hugging me tightly. "Danielle you're drunk again." I said sternly pushing her away she pouted her bottom lip. 

"Am nottt!" She giggled I rolled my eyes. I had been the one to take care of the girl ever since all of this happened. I was the one who got the drunken calls to pick her up or the calls when she was having a mental breakdown I was always there. "Alright, lets get you to sleep." I sighed. 

"Good night Danielle" Everyone spoke in union she waved with a huge grin plastered on her face. They exited the room leaving me and her. "Harrryy do you think I'm pretty?" she smiled grabbing onto my hand. "Of course." I reached over undoing all the sheets so she could get in them.

"Would you kiss me right now?" Her question caught be off guard. I turned my back to face her, before I could even open my mouth she had her lips placed on mine. I wrapped my hands around her waist as our lips moved perfectly in sync. Then the taste of alcohol entered my mouth and I pulled away. This was taking advantage of her. "Come on Harry you know you want to.." she went for the bottom of my shirt but I pushed her hands away. 

"Get in bed Danielle, we can talk about it when you're sober." I spoke she sighed getting into her bed, within a few seconds she was out like a light. I did my usual routine picking up all the bottles and cups placing them in a trash bag. 

That kiss was something I wanted back on an everyday basis. 

Danielle's P.O.V                                                                   

It was always fun to wake up with a horrid hangover. Note obvious sarcasm. Like I did every other morning I showered, go dressed and headed over to the boys suite. I knocked loudly on the door waiting for someone to answer when Katlyn swung open the door. 

Katlyn and Niall recently got together and might I say they were perfect for eachother. Katlyn is absolutely beautiful, she was long dark brown wavy hair, dark green eyes, she plays the guitar like him and has the cutest little Australia accent since she only recently moved to London. 

"Morning Dani come in!" She greeted me opening the white door full so I could enter. I smiled as thanks. I slid over to the kitchen where all the boys and the two other girls sat. "How ya feeling this morning?" Zayn asked handing me a cup of cofe I shrugged. "I don't think all this drinking is good for you." Harry sighed I shrugged my shoulders once more.

"We all die in the end anyway." I repeated, lifting up the coffee cup and inhaling the steam before taking a sip. 

Thats what I've been living by for the past couple of months. I just don't see a point in caring anymore if in the end we all end up six feet under ground being eaten by small bugs as our bodys deteriorate. Why not die  from liver failure? I'll probably die of some kind of painfull disease so I'm just making it happen a little quicker. 

"Do you remember anything from last night?" Harry asked I nodded. "I wrote a song!" I cheered pulling out the paper from my pocket, my writng wasn't fabulous but it would work. "NEW SONG!" They all shouted in union running out of the room. Anytime either of us write a new song we do the great unvealing infront of everyone. The ran up and down the hallway shouting "new song" until all of the fourty people came running out. Justin and Scooter were also here to talk to paul so they would be hearing it to. 

I settled myself at the grand piano all  eyes on me but that eyes that caught my attention were Harry's. I don't understand why but I'm having those giddy feelings around him again. I placed my hands on the keys and started singing. 

"Heart beats fast

Colors and promises

How to be brave?

How can I love when I'm afraid to fall

But watching you stand alone?

All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow

One step closer"

I sang my whole song it was around five minutes long. When I was done I took a deep breath and lifted my head. There were a few tears from the ladies. "That was brilliant." They clapped I grinned thanking them. It was honestly a song I wrote for my previous love with the curly haired boy. Usually when I'm drunk he seems to come in mind a lot. But you know what they say. A drunk mans words are a sober mans thoughts which is evidently true. 

"Talk among yourselves." I gave a small smile grabbing onto Harrys hand intertwining our fingers and pulling him with me. He stared at me wondering what the hell was going on. Of course I remember everything that happened last night I wasn't even that drunk. Without saying a wrod I wrapped my hands around his neck and smashed our lips together, I could tell he was confused then a smile formed on his lips. "I missed you." He spoke inbetween pecks I grinned. "I love you, but you need to stop drinking." He confessed.

And I did truly love this boy and I was willing to do whatever. 

"Forever and always." 


ITS OVERRRRRR. OMG. IM SO SAD. I can't believe I even made it to 12,400 reads when I first posted it 200 was  a lot. So I'd like to thank you all for your suport and love threw this all and for all your patience with me and my slow updates. 

I'd always love to thank all those people who voted for this story and gave it so many nice comments I truly do appreciate it. 

So there will be an epilogue but it won't be t'ill like tomorrow or really late tonight. Good lord its been a year I've been working on this story and to be able to say I finally finished a story is happy yet sad because its done. No more Harry and Danielle. :'( Did you like the ending? I hope you did it wass sappy a tiny bit but hey why not. 

-Ali xoxoxoxoxoxo

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