Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

2 months later.

"God I hate these things" Harry groaned trying to put up the Christmas tree. I'm allergic to real Christmas trees so we buy the fame put together ones hes trying to get the lights to work.

"Babe there not plugged in" I giggled putting the plug in the socket.

We're at the boys house just me and him everyone went back home for the holidays so we decided to have both family's come here for Christmas which is tomorrow. Yes were getting the three up late but it's cause he's been busy with interviews and he wanted to help so I waited.

"Smarty pants" he stuck his tongue out I laughed. I hung the red, good and green Christmas balls in the tree with help of my loser boyfriend he was making me laugh most of the time but we finally got it. I flicked on the lights of the three they were multicolored and light up the dark room.

"I love Christmas!" I grinned this is my favorite time of the year, the pretty lights, Christmas music, the movies it's just over all amazing. Harry kissed my cheek making me smile more then I was before "you think you're family will like me?"

"I think they'll love you" he smiled. I was actually really nervous, Harry told me a bit about his family his mom Anne took care of him most of his life with his sister Gemma, cause his dad walked out when he was seven. His step dad was coming over though seems like a nice bunch.

"Want to watch a movie? Elf?" He asked I nodded happily elf is my favorite movie ever. He's just the coolest guy ever. He took his seat on the couch and I guess I was to far for his liking cause he pulled me closer so I was practically ontop of him.

I rested my head on his chest making his shirt damp cause of my wet hair, I didn't think I was tired but apparently I was because slowly my eyes started closing and within seconds I was out.

"Baby wake up, wake up" Harry spoke softly I slowly opened my eyes it was light out and I was in the bed. "Merry Christmas"

"merry Christmas to you to" I grinned he placed his lips on mine "I'm gonna go get ready everyone should be here any minute" I looked over at the clock it was nine everyone was gonna be here at nine thirty. It was a huge bunch coming here, his mom sister, stepdad, his grandpa and grandma. Then there was my side mom, dad, Stella, Dylan her boyfriend, grandma and grandpa.

Since it's Christmas they flew from Canada to come see us there staying with my parents and finally meeting Harry today. I meeting the whole bunch today which still makes me nervous.

I made my way the bathroom and applied my make up, cover up, mascara. Eye liner and white and purple eye shadow it looks good with the snow.. I put in my contacts and let my hair out of its ratty bun. I brushed it out and curled it into perfect little ringlets which took ten minutes cause of the amount of hair I have on my head.

I grabbed the Christmas jumper Harry bought for me and him there matching there really horrific but he's making me wear it cause its cliche and cute. I matched it ip with a pair of dark skinny jeans trying to make it look better but not very successful.

When I as done I made my way downstairs where Harry was standing wearing the same hoodie and some jeans.

"Look how cute we look" he smiled I laughed. Just at the moment he was about to kiss me the door bell rang making us spring apart, I walked over and opened the door to be greeted by everybody that's some weird ass timing. We said our hellos to everyone as they made there way from the entrance to the living room.

"Mom, Gemma, dad, grandad, grandma this is my girlfriend Danielle" he introduced me.

"Hi! nice to meet you all!"

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