Chapter 14;

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Chapter 14

Danielle's P.O.V

Two months ago I was a normal person, I could go out and eat McDonalds without being judged or I could go out without any make up on and not worry about anything. Now it's a whole other story.

I constantly have people following my every move, fans screaming my name, I just hit four million followers, my first album is coming out in a few days. My first music video came out two days ago. Fame doesn't take long.

I've been mostly in LA for these two months, Harry and I Skype as much as we can but it gets difficult at times. We text and try to see each other as often as possible but its getting harder and harder everyday.

I logged onto to twitter as I stepped into the car. I followed a few fans my mentions were flooding with fans asking me stuff and to follow them so I did I follow one hundred fans a day.

Danielle_army: love the song! SO HERE'S MY NUMBER CALL ME MAYBE!

I laughed followed and retweeted her.

Justin bieber: does anyone else have call me maybe stuck in there head?


Liam payne: Proud of you dani love the song! Xox

Retweet favorite.

I followed a couple more and put down my phone when I realized we were here. I was preforming at the X factor tonight I'm so excited. I've been rehearsing for days.

Harry's P.O.V

We gathered up in the living room of mine and Danielle's apartment, the boys have been spending as much time here with me as possible so I wouldn't be so lonely.

I flicked on the tv onto the American X factor a smile instantly appearing on my face.

"So today on the show we have a new pop singer who has reached an insane point of success in such little time. It give me great pleasure to introduce Danielle Ross!" Mario Lopez introduced. The music for her song instantly started playing.

"I threw a wish I'm the well

Don't ask me ill never tell

I looked at you as it fell and now you're in my way" she sang this song was by far the catchiest song I've ever heard I haven't talked to one person who doesn't know it.

When the song ended she walked off stage bringing that empty feeling back into my stomach. I quickly dialed her number knowing she always had her phone on her.

"Hey it's me! I'm not around right now but leave a message ill call yah back!" It was followed along with a beep I took a deep breath and sighed loudly.

"hey babe. I miss you, I watched your performance it was amazing as usual. Hope hire having a good day. Call me back, I love you. " I hung up and slipped it back into my pocket.

I've said I love you millions of time she still hasn't said it back. I know she does she just doesn't want to admit she fell inlove with someone.

Everything's so much harder now we have no privacy, were both always on the go, we just don't have time for each other anymore. This is a huge time and I feel like I might be holding her down.

Danielle's P.O.V

I pulled into my small houses drive way and attempted to get into the house as fast as possible but didn't manage. I signed a few things and took a few pictures before entering. I threw my purse on the couch of the cluttered place and made my way into the kitchen.

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