Chapter 6- puppies and party.

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Chapter 6  

Danielle's P.O.V

I woke up to giggling and laughing.. The boys slept of last night which is why I'm lying on the hard living room floor where we passed out. I slowly lifted my head and spotted something I wasn't expecting. Stella and Harry full out making out.

I cleared my throat making them break apart.

"Is this like a good morning thing? What's going on here?"

"My first ever boyfriend!" Stella screeched I actually couldn't believe it.. Was I the only one that felt something last night? Guess so.

"God whys everyone up at this god forsaken time?!" Liam groaned throwing a pillow at them.

"What's going on?!" Louis sprung up quickly waking up both Zayn and Niall.

"Stella and I are dating!" Harry announced smiling.. I think I seen all the boys make a surprised face but them dropping it maybe it was just me..

"That's uh great" Niall smiled uncertainly.

"I'm gonna make breakfast" I smiled and stepped off from the ground stepping over five people and going into the kitchen.

It bothered me alot but ill just do what I usually do when I have a crush.. Get drunk and sleep with some random guy makes the pain go away.. Players method!

You know you get close to someone you talk to them threw out the night laugh, smile get into deep conversations then you take them home and you never see them again. It's ideal. This is usually a boys thing but hey what boys can do girls can do about sixty times better.

'Mom: make sure to pick up diamond and mouse from the vet at 12!"

I read on my phone it was already 11:30!

I quickly sprinted up the stairs forgetting about breakfast they can cook for themselves! I went up to my room and seeing as I showered last night I wouldn't have to this morning.

I applied my make up, and tied my hair in a pony tail kind of braid thing. I couldn't find my contacts so I kept my black glasses on, I grabbed my black tna hoodie from my closet some white jeans and sand colored ugs lazy day.

I sprinted downstairs it was 11:45 the vets only ten minutes away if I drive fast alright.

"I need to go pick up the dogs, ill be back"

Zayn was still on the floor passed out, Niall was flicking threw Chanel's and the couple they were being coupley..the two others were now where in site.

I went into the garage where the SUV was I need a big car to pick up the dogs. I spead out of the driveway really fast I like driving down the driveway quick it gets my adrenaline pumping its just a fun feeling.

I slowed down as I got to the actually road where there was actually people, I don't want to put anyone In danger.

The ride to the vet was mostly my lightly singing to the music, when I arrived at the vet I got out of the car and made my way in.

The dogs have been here for awhile cause the whole flight they needed shots then we were moving so the got put in the kennel. They haven't even seen the new house yet!

"Hi I'm here to pick up diamond and mouse" I told the guy he looked to be about my age maybe older he was hot.

"Alright come with me" he smiled, I followed behind then I spotted my sisters chihuahua and my huge Great Dane awh I missed him! Diamond not so much. She's so annoying and her bark is so high pitched. "I'm guessing the chihuahuas yours?"

"No my sisters, he's mine"

"Hm interesting I'm chad by the way." I nodded, I paid the vet bill holding diamond in my hand and mouse on his leach.

"Danielle" I grinned.

"Maybe we can hang out sometime, ya?" He asked.

"Definitely here's my number" I smiled writting it down on a paper, I winked and made my way out the door damn he was hot. 

Chad on the side---------------------->

Harry's P.O.V

I know I'm definitely dating the wrong twin but when I tried to tell Stella I had feelings for Danielle and not her she took things the wrong way and now were apparently dating... It's not that I don't like her it's just she's no crazy, fun love Danielle.

"I'm home!" She shouted coming threw the door, a little chihuahua came running in Stella picked her up she had a little pink jacket on.

"You both have little dogs?" Niall asked her, Danielle shook her head.

"Mouse come here boy!" She shouted, a huge dog came running into the kitchen he was as big as a horse.

"Of course dani has the biggest dog in the world!" Liam laughed.

"Awh yea normal is so over rated" she shrugged grabbing a toast off nialls plate.

"Hey!" He shouted.

"Sh I'm eating" she silenced him.. He pouted she smiled and sat on his lap making me feel immensely jealous. "I met this super hot guy at the vet he asked for my number wooh!"

"Go get em" Stella winked Danielle nodded.


Danielle's p.o.v

He seemed awfully jealous every time I would flirt with Niall.maybe he has feelings for me.. No he's dating Stella I can't do this.. Eh it's just for fun. I mean its not like we're ever gonna date I can have a little fun.

"Your really comfy" I smiled at the blonde Irish boy, I was sitting on his lap sideways he had his hand right over my butt holding me up. I couldn't help but notice Harry's jaw clench up.

"And your really cute so I guess were even" he grinned I kissed his cheek.

"We should party.."

"Random?" Zayn knotted his eye brows together.

"Here party, big house, alcohol, people"

"I totally agree party time!" Louis shouted oh yea party time.

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