Chapter 7.

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Chapter 7 

Danielle's P.O.V

Music is blaring threw the house, people are dancing and drowning there insides with alcohol. My eyes trailed the room scooping out any hot guys there was alot but none that really caught my eye yet.

Stella is somewhere the boys haven't arrived yet cause they had some interview but Liam texted me saying they were on there way so yea.

I brought the red cup up to my mouth that had some kind of alcohol and brought I back down leaving a stain of red lipstick. I didn't go super fancy tonight like most girls I wore something short and tight, a Leopard print skirt and a lose black top and some combat boots, i dont wear heels. My lips are a dark red. My hair is straightened and my bangs I just shovel back when they land in my face.

"Dani ya look hot! Nice shoes" Someone shouted from behind me I turned to see the boys and a girl I think it was Louis girlfriend. She was stunning she was wearing the same thing as me just different colors.

"Thanks! You guys clean up nicely" I grinned we kind of had to talk loud cause the music.

"The one that I came with 

She had to go 

But you look amazing 

Standing alone" blared threw the speaker, the boys all laughed seeing as it is there song.

"Stella's in the living room if your looking for her!" I told Harry he nodded and walked towards over there.

"You really know how to throw a party!" Zayn grinned I nodded, everyone split up. This wasn't the best party for me atleast everyone seems to be having a blast with there couple. A few more shots and ill be a-ok.

I stood watching everyone have a blast around me when the music stopped. I walked over to the dj to see what was going on.

"It stopped working!" He hit his machine violently the best was working just nothing else.

"Come do something!" Michael my gay friend I met the day we got here pushed me up handing me a mic. "Put feels so close on she's a good singer she's got this" Michael grinned.

The beat started and I started singing people seemed to be liking it cause the party kept going.

Harry's P.O.V

"What happened to the music?" Zayn asked all the boys were with me and Stella Danielle hasn't been seen since we got here.

"Probably technical difficulty dani will sort it out" Stella answered a few seconds later a beat started and a girl started singing feels so close one of my favorites she sounded great who is this "guys this is Danielle!"


"It's her singing come on!" Stella dragged us all into the room where the music was. It's true there she was singing it was amazing and everyone else thought so to because they loved her.

"She's amazing' Liam cheered.

The song ended and she hoped off the little step getting good jobs from a few people.

"Woah hey where have you guys been?' She asked she didn't sound completely drunk but there was some alcohol in there.

"Um woah you can sing! Your like great!"

"Thanks! Stella why is there no hot guys here" she groaned maybe she drunker then I though...

"Babe your highly intoxicated" Stella laughed.

"We'll unlike you I'm not a stick in the mud!" Danielle smirked, getting a fake gasp from her sister sometimes it's hard to get whats going on between them..

"I need to use the washroom Harry make sure my sister doesn't hurt herself" Stella instructed. I nodded she walked away into the crowd leaving just us two.

"Ow I hurt my leg" she groaned looking down at her bleeding leg.

"Babe maybe we should go fix that up come on" I grabbed her arm and lead her upstairs, I remembered where her room was and when Zayn cut his finger she had a first aid kid in her bathroom. I brought her into the bathroom and sat her on the counter she wasn't heavy at all. "How'd you do this?"

"I went to feed the stupid chihuahua a few hours ago and he like attacked me. Stupid rat" she groaned I laughed.

1. Apply pressure to stop bleeding.

I read on the first aide kit, I grabbed a bandage and help my finger tightly at the bottom of her leg applying pressure.

"So enjoying yourself?'

"No not really, everyone's all coupled I'm a loner forever alone!" She smiled.

"I don't think your forever alone" I told her getting a little closer to her face.

Danielle's P.O.V

"I don't think your forever alone" he told me inching closer to my face.

"You need a guy to not be forever alone and I'm lacking that"

"We'll your not anymore" he grinned before attaching our lips. It felt like that kiss in the closet it made my stomach do flips it could be the alcohol but I doubt it.

I put my hands in his girls he had his arms around my waist I was sitting on the counter so I was higher then him. It felt so right then something hit me.

He's dating my sister.

I quickly pulled away and leaped off the counter.

"You can't do this, we can't do this" I stated before walking out of the room leaving him standing there on his own what did I just do.



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