Chapter 1: The Adventure begins

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Foxy woke up to have the cold air hit his face and his bare chest. He looked around the dark cove, the curtains closed and the sign aligned correctly but still damaged, as always. He looked down only to see her, sound asleep curled up on his chest. He smiled and stroked her pink hair, listening to the way she breathed, her warm breath colliding with the cold air. She was wearing nothing, mind her pink and white lingerie still being on her. There was a purple starred blanket on the two, keeping all the warmth to themselves, the cold air of the outside cove hitting them. He kept looking at her, admiring her looks and beautiful body. Sure they say personality comes first, but when it came to her, beauty was something she really kept no matter what.
"Admiring my looks again, Captain~?" Said a very feminine voice that was easily recognizable and caught Foxy's attention. He looked down, to see her flutter her eyes open and look straight at him. He chuckles quietly and began to pet her tangled pink hair again.
"Aye.... when would I never? Ye be t' most beautiful pearl in t' sea already, love." Foxy said. She smiled, and giggled a bit.
"You say that everyday, every time. But, every time when you do say it, it makes me know that you really do love me." She looked up at him and played with his red locks. Foxy closed his eyes, and took a deep breath, taking in the fresh cold air. He then opened his mouth and began to sing a small tune.
"Da da dum dum dum dum, dum dum dum diddly doom doom doom, diddly doom, dum dum diddly dum dum dum dum diddly dum dum dum dum dum...." She closed her eyes and giggled at Foxy's small pirate tune.
"What's that?" She asked. He stopped singing it, and took in another fresh breath of air.
"Me song fer ye. Me ol' pirate love song fer ye because all t' other sea-sick love songs on t' radio are dumb." He explained very briefly, then adding a comical chuckle right after. She smiled and went back to rest on his cold, metal, bare chest. She heard his metal rusty gears inside churn, making a grinding noise that made her wince every time they stopped and skipped a beat.
"Hey Foxy?"
"Yes Mangle love?"
"Is our adventure as lovers going to ever end?" He then opened his yellow piercing eyes and looked into her green metallic ones. Then he grinned and did a pirate chuckle.
"No lass," He began.

"Our adventure is just beginning."

Foxy & Mangle: The Adventure Begins, A Forever, 'till the end of time sequelWhere stories live. Discover now