Chapter 12: Bonnie ties the knot

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Bonnie twiddled his thumbs nervously in a state of distress. He knew how to say it but every time he tried in the mirror, dare I say, he "chickened" out, no pun intended. Bonnie had known Chica for a long time, he really did. Ever since they all met, to be exact over thirty years. She was waiting on the roof for him, as he had told her he had a surprise for her.
"If Foxy could do it, so can I." Bonnie thought. Bonnie smiled nervously.
"Foxy got this far, maybe I really can do it-" Bonnie's thoughts were interrupted by Chica's voice.
"Honey Bun? You out there?" She asked. Bonnie turned around and took a deep breath.
"It must be done." He whispered to himself. He climbed up a latter and to the roof. Chica was there in a yellow dress and sun hat, even though it was nighttime. Bonnie walked over and sat down next to her.
"So Bonnie... what did you want me for?" She asked. Bonnie turned towards her and took a sharp breath. He stood her up and then got on one knee.
"Chica, you know I love and care for you so much, right?" He asked. Chica nodded.
"Well, I got thinking that... that... Chica, will you take my hand in ma-"
"HEY BRO BRO!!" Shouted a very annoyingly familiar voice. Bonnie turned to the blue haired ball of fun and the blonde carbon copy of the one he loved right next to him. They were peeking their heads out of the rooftop ledge, grinning. Bonnie frowned as Chica did the opposite.
"Hey guys! How ya doin'?" Chica said.
"Great. We were just talking about you, all good things, all good things." Chickadee reassured her.
"We were wondering if you wanted to go eat this massive cake Bonbon and I baked, it's really good." She said. Chica smiled brightly and ran over to them. Chica hugged both of them but, when she looked back, Bonnie's head was drooped and he looked at Chica with a sad expression. Chica could feel guilt rising in her system. She couldn't leave Bonnie here all alone. Chica looked at Chickadee.
"You know what? I change my mind... I'll catch up later, okay?" Chica said. Chickadee smiled.
"Okay. But if you change your mind, we'll be in kitchen." Chica nodded as Chickadee and Bonbon climbed down the latter and walked away. Chica turned on her heals and slowly walked towards Bonnie. He was facing away from her and sitting on the edge of the roof.
"Bonnie... did you want to tell me something...?" She asked quietly. Bonnie looked at her and stood up. He got on one knee and took the small box out of his pocket. Bonnie looked her glistening eyes and took her hand.
"Chica, we have known each other for a long time, and I really feel as if we need to take our love even further. You are beautiful, the most gorgeous thing I have ever met, ever. I am willing to spend the rest of my life with you, and if you are willing the same, that would be amazing." He then opened the box for Chica to see a small diamond ring, fit just for her.
"Chica... will you marry me?" He asked. Chica smiled and hugged Bonnie.
"You bet, Sugar plum!" She giggled. Bonnie stood up and put the ring on her. Chica took a big huff and grinned. She then looked at Bonnie.
"This... this is beautiful. Where did you get it?" She asked, examining the ring. Bonnie gave a nervous look to Chica.
"I... bought it on e-bay." Chica raised an eyebrow.
"But you don't have any money..." She said.
"The money...? Oh Uh... I got it from a... a drug dealing clown. On an elephant selling insurance. His name was Jake." Bonnie said, nervously. Chica looked at him for a minute then bursted out in laughter. She ruffed his hair.
"Whatever you say, bunny boy." Bonnie looked at her then nervously chuckled. The two headed off the roof and down the latter, holding hands. They walked past the main party room and headed towards Pirate's cove. There was no door, just curtains so, Bonnie and Chica just called out for Foxy.
"Come in." Said an easily recognizable gruff pirate voice. Bonnie and Chica were shocked at the sight of inside the cove.
"Holllllllyyyy shit Foxy." Bonnie said. Both Mangle and Foxy had long lists in their hands, stopping at Bonnie and Chica's feet. Chica giggled.
"What are you guys doing?" She asked in a playful tone. Mangle looked up at Chica and Bonnie.
"Just simply thinking of baby names, dear." Mangle explained. "We just can't decide on one, though." Bonnie's eyes widened a bit.
"That's a helluva list, guys. Do you even know the gender?" Bonnie asked. Mangle looked up at him once more and chuckled.
"Well, both Foxy and I know it's going to be a blossoming baby girl." Foxy stopped examining his list and looked at Mangle. He sincerely smiled at her.
"Mangs has got it all wrong, it be a lad. It got t' great Foxy t' pirate's genes in it." Mangle looked at Foxy and gritted her teeth a bit.
"No, it's a girl, love."
"I insist it be a boy." Foxy retorted back.
As Mangle and Foxy continued arguing the gender of their unborn child, Bonnie took Chica's hand and slowly slipped out of the cove.
"It's best we leave them alone to figure this out as a married couple..." He whispered to her. They walked out of the cove, only to be greeted by a sort of scared looking BB and JJ.
"Oh hi guys!" Chica smiled and waved. The two child robots looked at Bonnie and Chica.
"Foxy is really scary sometimes..." JJ stated. Bonnie chuckled.
"Not if you really know him. He's a big rough pirate outside, but on the inside, somewhere, he's got a soft spot, I know it." JJ and BB smiled and ran off, waving. Bonnie and Chica waved back, then Bonnie looked at Chica.
"We've gotta tell everyone. This is going to be the best wedding ever." He said. Chica smiled as they walked down the halls, eager to tell everyone about their new found love.

Foxy & Mangle: The Adventure Begins, A Forever, 'till the end of time sequelWhere stories live. Discover now