Chapter 11: Worries

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Foxy sat at the small table in the cove with Mangle and their unborn baby, of course. Ever since she found out she was pregnant, Mangle became less adventurous than usual. She would be more careful with things, look at her stomach constantly, sing to the baby, make sure not to bump into any walls or anything else, just being more cautious. And Foxy understood. He couldn't afford to have the baby hurt, no sir. Mangle looked at Foxy.
"Foxy dear, can you get me a slice of pizza? No, a pie. Make that two. No, three. Four. Five. Yes, five pizza pies." Foxy's eyes widened. He chuckled.
"I don't even think Chica can eat that many pizza pies. Are ye sure /five/ pizza pies?" He asked. Mangle stood still for a second then nodded. Foxy just smiled.
"How's about we start wit' one, t'en make our way up." He said. Mangle nodded.
"Yeah, whatever it takes. I'm absolutely STARVING." She complained. Foxy walked out of the cove and into the kitchen. He didn't feel like making the pizza from scratch so he decided to just pop in a frozen one. Right then, he heard a crash come form the cove. Foxy instantly panicked and ran to the cove almost as fast as Sanic. He swished open the curtains, only to see Mangle picking up a shattered plate.
"Mangle! Are ye okay?!" Asked as he helped her up.
"In fine, I just shuttered a plate." She said. Foxy smiled.
"I be glad Yer okay." He said. Mangle chuckled.
"Why wouldn't I? I'm perfectly fine." She smiled. Foxy's smiled faded. He sat down at the table and huffed. Mangle's smiled also turned into a frown and she sat down next to Foxy. It was a bit silent, then Foxy spoke.
"I be fine, just a bit worried..." He quietly said. Mangle looked at him.
"Foxy... are you okay...? You seem... scared." She said, rubbing his back. It became silent once again, then Foxy said something quietly.
"It be twenty years back, way before t' murders. I was three years of age, and expectin' a new crew member. Me mum was goin' t' have a baby just like ye. We gathered a new room, somethin' pink n' blue, a new crib, baby decorations, diapers, baby toys and all sorts of new stuff. We were so happy, I was at least. All I had at t' time was me big brother, and we were excited. But then, one day..." Foxy paused his story.
"I came home from daycare... mum was cryin' and pop was comfortin' 'er... I asked 'er what was t' matter and... she just told me t' go in me room. After t'at, we got rid of all t' decorations, t' toys, diapers, and pretty wall paper... it was all gone..." Foxy was silently crying as Mangle hugged him. Foxy turned around to Mangle and hugged her back.
"I be just so worried about ye, Mang. I can't repeat t'at process again..." He whispered.
"You won't. We won't, I promise." She kissed Foxy on the cheek and hugged him tighter. Mangle let go and smiled. Her face then turned into an expression in which she just got an idea.
"Which gives me an idea..." She said. Mangle stood up and left for a couple seconds. She then came back with a chalk board, nails, a hammer, and chalk. She put the chalk board on the wall and nailed it into there. She took the piece of chalk and started to write tally marks. One, two, three, four, five, six, sevens eight, and nine. Nine tallies. She then faced Foxy.
"Alright Foxy, tell me, how many months have I been pregnant so far?" She asked. Foxy stroked his mini-beard and thought.
"Hmmm... about 3 months in, lass. Why do ye ask?" He said. Mangle smiled and took three tallies off.
"This my dear pirate, is a chalkboard to represent my months until the baby arrives. Every time a month passes, I take a tally off." She explained. Foxy gasped and hugged her.
"Yer a genius, Mangs!" He chuckled. Mangle kissed him on the cheek.
"'Glad I am."

"Now go get me that pizza pie you promised, I'm starving."

Foxy & Mangle: The Adventure Begins, A Forever, 'till the end of time sequelWhere stories live. Discover now