Chapter 21: Saving Scarlett

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Foxy and Mangle raced down the sidewalk of Main Street, calling out for their daughter, whom had just been kidnapped.
"Scarlett!" Mangle called. "Where are you, darling?!" Foxy looked over at Mangle.
"I don't think callin' fer 'er is gonna 'elp, lass..." Mangle frowned and kept walking, looking down at the ground. She breathed something heavy, thinking up wicked and unfortunate thoughts.
"Foxy..." Mangle whispered. Foxy stopped walking and looked at her.
"Yes lass?" Mangle crosses her arms and sighed.
"Foxy, I'm scared. What's going to happen to Scarlett? Is he going to kill her? Is he going to molest her or worst...? I... I just don't kn-" Foxy cut her off by putting his hook over her mouth.
"Mangs... I don't think any of t'at is goin' t' happen. But I don't think on t' bright side, we probably won't see 'er pretty face again. Now let's not think about that, it only makes everythin' worse, okay?" Foxy then hugged Mangle and kissed her on the cheek. Mangle blushed and put an arm around Foxy. Dexter giggled and covered his eyes while holding onto Foxy's coat as the three of them started to head down the street again.

Mangle looked over to the left while Foxy looked out to the right for any sight of Scarlett while Dexter looked all the way, 360 degrees. Dexter looked to the right, then the left, but when he turned to the right again, something caught his eye.
"Scarry!" He yelled. Mangle and Foxy looked out in his direction and saw two dark male figures wearing hoods standing in an alleyway, one of them holding Scarlett. Foxy looked at Mangle then started to race after it. One of the figures looked at the other, then behind them at Foxy. One of the men gave the other Scarlett and the other man started to run. And Foxy just ran right after the man, gaining speed towards him.

It then started to rain, but Foxy didn't care. He just wanted his baby girl back.

Finally Foxy caught up to the figure and pounced on it, sending both men to the ground in the middle of the road.
"GIVE ME BACK ME DAUGHTER-" Foxy screeched, taking Scarlett out of his hands and ripping off the hood of the man.

Foxy was speechless. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"G-Goldie...? Why...?" He said, breath taken. The Golden Freddy looked up at the pirate and gave him a deathly glare.

"Because everything was perfect until you met HER!!" Foxy have him a disgusted look.
"Mangle...? That's IT? Ye kidnapped me child just because of HER-"
"I KIDNAPPED HER BECAUSE YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO MEET MANGLE!!" Goldie shouted. Foxy was now confused and astonished.
"You weren't supposed to meet her!! More the less fall in love! She was supposed to be your enemy!! I just wish I could've reverted time! I only played good cop for the past 10 years so you wouldn't suspect a thing!! I saw the Toys being scrapped, I saw the bite, I saw the whole future! And now... heh heh... I can see you DEAD." Goldie then pulled on Foxy's hair and kicked him in the stomach, making him drop Scarlett, putting her in his arms. Goldie ran down the road, Foxy getting up and running after him. Goldie looked to his right and saw the other figure. He grabbed Scarlett and raised her high in the air.

"Quick! Spring, catch!" He shouted. The other figure pulled down his hoodie and raised his arms.
"NOT IF I CAN HELP IT!!" Shouted a female voice. The man suddenly felt a sharp pain in his lower side and fell to his knees. He put his hand where the pain was and retreated it, only to have it covered in blood.
"Shit..." He whispered to himself. What stood right behind him was, well, Mangle! She reached her arms up and quickly caught Scarlett, holding her in her arms.
"My baby!" She kissed Scarlett on the forehead, making the little girl giggle.
"No, my baby!!" Goldie shouted, pushing Mangle out of the way and snatching Scarlett.
"Hey! No one pushes a lady!" Foxy said, running at a high speed towards Golden Freddy.
"Especially MY LADY!!" Foxy jumped on him, both the men now fighting each other now in the middle of the road.
"Not if I can help it!!" Goldie remarked, pushing Foxy off and kicking him to the ground. Goldie stood by the weak Foxy in the middle of the street in the pouring rain.

"Looks like it's the end of the road for you, pirate! I WIN!" He laughed evilly. Foxy looked up a bit, then saw something in the distance. There was something coming right towards them. And that something, was a light. Foxy looked up at Goldie and smirked.
"No," He chucked, lightly standing up. "I think this might be the end of t' line fer ye." Goldie stopped laughing at looked at Foxy in disbelief.
"Oh really? And how is that?" Foxy looked at Scarlett then back at Goldie.
"I hope ye like havin' tire tracks on her precious face, old timer." He said, quickly grabbing Scarlett and jumping out of the road. Goldie's expression quickly faded to fear as he quickly spun around to see the 18-wheeler tractor-trailer heading right towards him.

And then, bam. There was a scream and the sound of a horn, then silence.

Only the pitter-patter of the rain was head outside. Foxy turned around to see Mangle and Dexter on the sidewalk, Mangle sitting down and rubbing her knee. Foxy walked over to her with Scarlett and held out his hook hand.
"Need a hand...?" Mangle looked up from her sore knee and at Foxy. She smiled and took his hand. Foxy helped her up and put and arm around her. Mangle took Dexter in her arms and looked up at Foxy.
"Thanks, Captain." She hugged his waist considering her height wasn't tall enough even for his arms.
"Anytime, me buxom beauty." He kissed her forehead as the four foxes headed down the wet sidewalk to go back to where they belong, their home.

In the distance, the golden rabbit man slowly got up, looking at the foxes walk together down the sidewalk to home.
"Home." He whispered, then grinning up something evil.
"It won't be home soon, oh no, not anymore."

Foxy & Mangle: The Adventure Begins, A Forever, 'till the end of time sequelOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora