Chapter 23: Fire

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"Foxy!! Wake up!!" Mangle yelled. Foxy slowly opened his eyes only to see Mangle on top of him with the twins in her arms, panic spread across her face.
"Wha... what Mangs..." He yawned.
"The building is on fire, get up!! We need to get out!!" Mangle yelled once more. This alarmed Foxy as he sprinted out of bed and looked at Mangle.
"WHAT?!" Mangle shook her head and ran out of the room with the twins. Foxy quickly grabbed his coat and some clothes before following Mangle to get out of the building in the dining room. Foxy ran up to the door and pulled on it, trying to get it open.
"It's locked!!" Foxy yelled. Freddy came running in the room, covered in ash and smoke with a fire extinguisher.
"Bonnie quick!! Give me the other fire extinguisher!!" Bonnie came sprinting in the room with Chica, holding her hand. Foxy stopped pounding the door and looked at Bonnie and Freddy.
"Bonnie!! Freddy!! Come help me open t' door!!" He yelled. Bonnie and Freddy rushed over to help Foxy smash open the door, but alas, it wouldn't budge. Foxy looked over at Chica.
"Chica!! Go call 911!!" He screamed. Chica ran over to the phone on the wall and proceeded to call the fire department.

"911 speaking, how may I help you?"

"Hi... I n-need the fire department... the building is on fire and w-w-we're trapped inside..."

"Okay miss, I'm gonna need you to calm down. Tell me how many people are in the building."

"W-we have two women, three men and two infants."

"Okay where is the location?" Chica looked at Foxy who still pounded at the door with Freddy and Bonnie. He stopped for a second and looked at her urgently.
"HURRY CHICA, T' FLAMES BE ENGULFIN'!!" He yelled, pounding at the door again. Chica got back on he phone with the operator again.
"123 Main Street, Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria."

"Okay miss, the fire department is going to be there soon. I need you and your friends to calm down, though." Chica nodded and started to cry. She could here the operator call to the other people and tell them about the problem. The operator then got back on the phone.

"Okay miss, the fire department should be here in a couple minutes just hold tight. Do you want me to stay on the phone with you?" Chica nodded for herself.
"Yes p-please-" All of a sudden, she heard Bonnie scream.
"CHICA WATCH OUT!!" Bonnie said, pushing Chica out of the way, just as the roof collapsed right above them. Chica rubbed her eyes and looked beside her, only to see Bonnie clenching his ankle.
"Bonnie!!" She yelled. she ran over to him, holding him in her arms.
"Are you okay?!" She asked. Bonnie nodded and looked up at her.
"Just a twisted ankle, love- ow!- i-it's nothing... ow..." He held onto his ankle and looked into Chica's eyes. He held her hand and hugged her.
"W-we'll be fine... I'll be fine... everything is going to be fine..." He smiled a bit. Chica could feel the tears coming to her eyes.
"No!! Everything's not going to be alright! You're hurt!!" She sat him in her lap as Bonnie put one of his arms around her back.
"I'll be fine... I love you, Chica... I really do... and you'll be fine... we'll make it out, I can feel it..." Chica, now with tears coming down her face, stroked Bonnie's hair and kissed him on the forehead.
"I love you too, Bonnie... but why are you telling me this now...?" Bonnie chuckled a bit as tears fell down his face.
"I'm just saying this one last time in case my prediction isn't true..." Chica smiled a bit too as the two hugged in a sweet bond.

Meanwhile Mangle was trying to protect the twins by the door until... she suddenly heard a noise. She looked at the twins and slowly followed the noise, which led to the backroom. Inside was BB, in the corner in feedle position. Mangle looked at him and walked over.
"BB! What are you doing here? We need to get you out of here!!" She took his hand, but in response BB yanked it away.
"No!! I'm not coming!!" He yelled. Mangle winced back at his sudden outburst and looked at him.
"YOU HEARD ME!! I'M NOT COMING!! IT'S NOT LIKE ANYONE WOULD CARE ANYWAY!!" He yelled in anger and sadness. He then started to calm his anger and just sob. Mangle frowned and picked him also up in her arms.
"Oh BB... people care... I care... everyone cares about you..." BB looked up at her and sniffled.
"I just... I don't know anymore... I just want it to be like old times..." He weeped. Mangle comforted him and cradled him like a baby, with the real babies in her arms as well.
"I still care, and I always will... I would be s-so sad if you weren't here anymore..." He looked at her and smiled a bit.
"R-really...?" Mangle nodded and smiled.
"Really. Now let's go. We have to get out of here." With BB and the twins in her arms, she raced out into he main entrance only to see a tired Foxy and Freddy.
"We... we can't get it open..." Foxy breathed. Mangle felt tears coming to her face as she walked up to Foxy. She put down BB and the twins and looked at Foxy.

She and Foxy stood together, looking in each other's eyes, then embracing in a kiss together. They then hugged and looked into each other's eyes again.
"I love ye so much, Mangs... I'll hate t' see such a pretty pearl g-go..." Foxy started to cry in mid sentence. Mangle felt the tears coming to her face as she stared into Foxy's eyes.
Just like balloons, we soar on our own, make our own pact and find new land." She took a deep breath.

"When we met, we were just strangers. We were just two robots not seeing the amazing future in store for ourselves. We faced adventure, created two beautiful buccaneers, and now it's all going to end. Everything beautiful ends, and this... this is our ending, Foxy the pirate Fox. Not your ending, not mine, our ending. It doesn't matter that we end, it matters that we end it together."

And with that, they shared one last beautiful, French kiss together as family, friends, lovers, pirates, and most importantly,


Foxy & Mangle: The Adventure Begins, A Forever, 'till the end of time sequelWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt